world history part 8

Lenin is known as the
arichitect of Soviet Union.
Lenin was born in 1870
April 10. in Simbrisk,
He received the name
Lenin in 1901.
He was led to Communism
by his elder brother
Lenin started a newspaper known as Iskara in
Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevic section of
the party.
He died in 21st January 1924 of cerebral stroke.
Bolsheviks, the majority party and Menshiviks,
the minority party were the two division of the
Russian Social Democractic Labour Party.
USSR came into existence in 1922 December
Czar Nicholas II was the reigning Czar of Russia
when the Revolution occurred.
Russian Parliament is known as Duma.
The new form of workers organisation formed on
the eve of the Revolution was known as ‘Soviet’.
February Revolution was on 12 March 1917.
Provisional Government which formed after the
February Revolution was led by Alexander
The October Revolution happened on 7 November 1917 (because old Russian Calendar was 14
days backward).
After the October Revolution Trotsky came to
Stalin is known as the Iron Man of Communism.
Stalin became the head of Soviet Union in 1924.
He introduced Five Year Plans (1928) for the economic progress of Russia.
In 1991 the Communist rule in Russia came to an
end and the USSR collapsed. Russia and other
Soviet Republics became independent nations.
St. Petersburg is the largest city in Russia second only to Moscow.
The city of St. Petersburg was founded by Peter
the Great in 1703. The city was known as
Petrograd from 1914 to 1924. Later it came to be
known as Leningrad. Gorbachov renamed it St.
Petersburg again.
Grand Cremlin Palace was the Residence of
Rasputin was a crooked witch, who had an influence over the Czarina.
The economic and political reforms started by
Gorbachev in 1985 was known as ‘Peristroika
which means restructuring. For freedom of press
and freedom of expression he also introduced
Glasnost’ which means open approach.
The Crimean War (1854-56)
The Crimean War was fought between Russia on
the one side and Turkey, France and England on
the other.
Florence Nightingale established the first nursing school.
Florence Nightingale is known as ‘‘Lady with the
Chinese Revolution (1911)
The Chinese Revolution tookplace in 1911.
Ching dynasty or the Manchus were the last ruling dynasty of China.
Puyi, a six year old boy was the last Manchu
The Republic of China was formed in 1912 and
Sun Yat-Sen became the first Chairman and first
President of the Chinese Republic.
Sun-Yat-Sen was a leader of the Comintang Party
MilitaryHead Yuan Shikai assumed power replacing Sun-Yat-Sen in 1912 march 10.
In 1949 the Chinese Communist Party defeated
the nationalists and formed the ‘‘Peoples Republic of China’.
The Opium Wars were fought between Britain
and China.

The first Opium War, was fought during 1839-42
and the second was during 1856-60.
Opium Wars were fought to get open the ports of
China to trade opium from British India.
As a result of the first Opium War the Chinese
province of Hongkong came under the control of
Britain in 1844.
Hong Kong became a special administrative region of China on July 1, 1997 when the colony
was handed over by Britain to China.
Macao, which was a colony of the Portugal was
restored to China on 20th December 1999.
Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Beijing is
in the second place.
China was admitted to the UN in 1971. Now she is
a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council.
92% of the Chinese people belonged to the Han
The Tianen Square in Beijing is described as the
Naval of China’. The name means ‘the gate of
heavenly peace’.
The highest Court in China is the Supreme
People’s Court.
China’s leading newspaper is ‘Renin Ribao
(People’s Daily) of Beijing, which is the official
newspaper of Chinese Communist Party.
China is the first Asian country to launch a space
shuttle. Zhenshou V was the Chinese space
shuttle and Yang Liwei was its first space traveller.
China is the world’s most populous country. It
has about a fifths of the world’s population.
China has the oldest living civilisation.
Chinese were the first to make compasses, paper,
pottery, and silk.
Chinese Mandarin is the most widely spoken language of the world and it is the mother tongue of
the largest number of people. Chinese call this
language ‘Putoghua’ (Common language)
China has the world’s largest fishing industry.
The Grand Canal world’s longest artificially created water way extends more than 1600 Kilometers from Hangzhou in the south to Beijing in the
Chinese People’s Liberation Army is the world’s
largest Army in number.
China is the largest producer of paddy, silk and
coal in the world.
China has the largest Communist Party in the
World’s largest dam Three Gorges Dam is built
across the Yangtse river in China.
China opened world’s highest and longest highland railway on 1st July 2006 The Qinghai-Tibet
Railway(1, 1142 Km)
Karakkoram highway is the only overland connection between China and Pakistan.
Communist China’s first international religious
gathering was conducted in April 2006.
In that World Buddhist Forum, Buddhists from
more than 30 countries participated.
2012 Olympics will be held in China.
Wenjiabo became the President of China.
It is for the first time the posts of President and
General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
held by two persons.
The present General Secretary of Communist
Party of China is the former PresidentJiangZemin
Den-Sia-O-Ping brought liberalist policies in
China in 1970.
First World War (1914-1918)
The murder of Arch Duke Ferdinant of Austria
by a Serbian student Gavle Prince on June 28,
1914 was the immediate cause of the outbreak of
the First World War (1914-1918). The war was
started by the declaration of war against Serbia
by Austria - Hungry. The main combatants in the
war were the Central Powers (Germany, Austria,
Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) and the Allied
Powers (England, France, Belgium, Serbia and
Russia). The Central Powers lost the war. The war

ended with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.(Versailles is a city near Paris)Submarine warboat (U-boat) used by Germany inthe war was a great menace.Wudrow Wilson was the President of Americaduring the First World War.Lloyd George was the British Prime Minister andClemenceace was the French Prime Minister during the War.The Treaty of Versailles was signed between theAllies and Germany on 28th June 1919.The Treaty of St. Germain was signed by theAllies with Austria- Hungary in 1919.An armistice (Peace Agreement) was signed onNovember 11, 1918 to end the war. It was followedby a peace conference at Paris and the Treaty ofVersailles in 1920.The Treaty of Versaile’s resulted in the foundation of League of Nations in 1919.League of Nations was formed on the basis of theFourteen Points’ put forward by Wudrow Wilson in 1918.League of Nations was the predescessor of theUNO.League of Nations was disbanded in 1945 andeven before that it lost its importance in 1939when the Second World War broke out.The First World War was fought as ‘a war to endall wars’.One of the most important results of the FirstWorld War was the Great Depression whichstarted in USA in 1929.Only one European country which was not affected by great depression was Russia.Three major powers during the interwar periodwere USA, USSR and Japan.Ku Klux Klan was a white terrorist gang workingin America during the period of Great Depression.Franklin D. Roosevelt became American presidentduring the great depression in 1932.Unification of Italy, and FascismAfter the decline of the Roman Empire Italy was
divided into a number of small independent states.
Joseph Massini is known as the ‘‘Prophet of Italian Nationalism’’
Massini founded ‘Young Italy’ in 1821.
Garibaldi was another famous leader of Italian
Nationalism. He founded an organisation known
as ‘Red Shirts’.
The unification of Germany was completed in
Political organisations which originated in Europe
after the First World War were collectively known
as Fascist Movements.
The word ‘Fascism’ was originated from the Italian word ‘fasces’ which means ‘‘a bundle of rods
and an axe’’.
Benitto Mussolini, the world’s first fascist dictator who came to power in Italy in 1922, is known
as the father of Fascism.
Mussolini organised his followers into the ‘Black
In October 1922 he organised a ‘March to Rome
and took over as Prime Minister.
Mussolini was against Socialism and Communism
and formed an organisation known ‘‘Fasci di
When Italy surrendered after the Second World War
in 1945 Mussolini was captured and executed at Como.
Italy was the first Axis Power to surrender in the
First World War.
After 2000 Medea Tycoon Silvio Berlysconi won
the election and became the PM. In 2006 he was
defeated by the former President of EU
Romano Prodi.
Italy won the World Cup Football title held in
Germany by defeating France.
Unification Germany, and Nazism
Germany was known as Prussia in olden times.
The process of German Unification began when
King William I appointed Otto Von Bismark as his
Prime Minister in 1862.

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