world history part 7

American Presidents
The figures of four American Presidents are engraved on the Mount Rushmor.
The term of American President is four years.
Only American president who got all the electoral votes - George Washington.
The birth place of George Washington -Virginia
George Washington died on 1799 December 14.
First Vice President of America - John Adams
First American Lady
who advocated for the
rights of women -
Abey Gale Smith
(Wife of John Adams)
American President
who was entrusted to
prepare American
Constitution - Thomas Jefferson
James Madison is
known as the ‘Father of American Constitution.
Last military officer of the American revolution to
become the President of America - James Munroe
First American President who was the son of a
former president - John Kwinsy Adams
Kitchen Cabinet’ prevailed during the period of
Andrew Jackson.
First American President to die in harness -
Wilham Henry Harrison
First American President who was subjected to
impeachment - John Tailor
American President who is known as ‘Black
Horse’ - James K. Polk
First American President who was ousted from
his party while in Office - John Tailor
American President who chose the site for White
House - Herbert Hover
American President who worked as the Chairman
of UN Human Rights Committee - Elenar
American President who gave orders to drop atom
bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Harry S.
American President who was known as Smiling
President - Eisonhower
First Roman Catholican born in 20th century to
become the President of America - John
Who shot dead John F. Kennedy - Lee Harvey
John F. Kennedy’s assassination was the first live
broadcast murder in the world.
First Vice President to become President while
the President was alive - Jerald R. Ford.
Watergate incident (1972) is related to - Richard
Oldest President of America - Ronald Reagon
The agreement to give back Panama canal to the
nation of Panamas was signed during the term of
Jimmy Carter as President.
American Presidents who got Nobel Prize for
Peace - Theodor Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter,
Wudrow Wilson.
First Bachelor President of America - James
Tallest American President - Abraham Lincoln
First to be elected for a second term as President
- George Washington
First to get married while he was president -Grover
Which American President is known as ‘Human
Chain’ - Benjamin Harrison
First American to win Nobel Prize for Peace -
Theodor Rousevelt (1906)
First American President who later became Chief
Justice - William Haward Daft
Which American President said ‘The Chief business of America is business’’. - Kalvin Koolinch
First American Citizen to become American President - Martin Von Buran
He was born after the declaration of American
independence in 1776.
French Revolution (1789)
The century from 1750 to 1850 is known as the
Age of Revolutions

18th century is known as the ‘Age of Enlightenment
18th century is also known as ‘Age of Reason
Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu were the
prominent philosophers who gave inspiration to
the French people.
French society on the eve of Revolution was divided into three Estates - Clergy, Nobles and Commons.
Louis XVI was the king of France when the revolution broke out (1774-1792)
His wife was beautiful but ‘Empty Headed lady
Mary Antoinette.
Like the Stuart kings of England, the Bourbons of
France also ruled by the Divine Right Theory of
Kingship. Louis XIV (1643 - 1715) who fully exploited the theory said ‘‘I am the state’’ He also
said ‘‘flood after me’’
The French Parliament was known as ‘Estates
The Bastile Prison which was the symbol of
monarch’s cruelty was broken by the Third Estate on 14th July 1789. Thus began the French
July 14th is observed as a national holiday in
France every year in memory of this incident.
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity the slogan of the
French Revolution was given by Rousseau the
French Philosopher and the author of ‘‘The Social Contract’’.
The Eiffel Tower is
situated on the banks
of river Science in
Paris. It was built in
1888 by Gaustave
His famous saying is
‘‘Man is born free but
everywhere he is in
Louise Phillippe was
the Emperor of France from 1830 - 1848 AD. He
shunned the traditional symbols of monarchy and
came to be known as the ‘Citizen King’.
Napolean Bonaparte (1769-1821) is known as the
‘‘Child of the French Revolution’’.
Napolean Bonaparte was bornin Corsica, an island in the Meditteranean sea in 1769. He proclaimed himself the emperor of France in 1804. He
was defeated by the English in 1813 and deported
to Elba. But later he
recaptured power.
But after his final defeat in the Battle of
Water Loo he was
deported to St. Helena Island. There he
died in 1821. The government formed by
Nepolean in France
was known as Consulate. The Bank of France was established by
French Philosopher Rousseau is the author of
books such as Emile, Confessions, Social Contract etc.
The most important work of Montesquieu is ‘‘The
Spirit of Laws’’
French Revolution resulted in the destruction of
feudalism in France.
French Revolution gave the term ‘nation’, its modern meaning.
Elysee Palace is the official residence of French
Now the term of French President is five years,
earlier it was seven years.
Franc is French currency
Jacqueous Shirak is the President of France.
In 2006 there was a racial conflict between the
African immigrants and natives.
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution is the name given to a
series of changes that brought about a transition
from production by hand to production by ma-

chine from small scale production to large scale
production, hand made goods to machine made
Industrial Revolution started in England in the
second part of the 18th century and in the first
part of the 19th century.
Industrial Revolution first influenced the Cotton
Textile Industry.
In 1733, John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle
for weaving cloth.
James Hargreaves invented the Spinnng Jenny
in 1764 (Jenny was the name of his wife)
Water Frame was invented by Richard
Samuel Crompton invented Mule in 1779.
Power Loomwas invented byEdmund Cartwright
in 1785.
James Watt invented Steam Engine in 1769.
Safety Lamp’ or Davis Lamp’ was invented by
Humphrey Davy in 1816.
Elias Home invented sewing machine in 1846.
The Warrior’ was the first warship built with
iron plates.
Abraham Derby invented the method of smelting
iron with coke in 1709.
Bersemer invented the steel furnace in 1856.
First Steam Locomotive was invented by
Trevithick in 1800.
In 1814 George Stephenson invented an improved
steam locomotive called Rocket. It was finally
used in opening the first passenger railway from
Liverpool to Manchester. That is why
Stephenson is called the father of Steam Locomotive.
Steam Boat was invented by Robert Fulton in
First steam ship sailed from Glasgow to Liverpool
in 1857. A ship first crossed the Atlantic in 1833.
The method of sending message by wire was invented by Morse in 1835.
Bloody Sunday
On the 22nd of 1905 thousands of unarmed Russian workers marched to the Winter Palace of Czar
in St.Peterburg. Their demand was to have administrative reforms. But the army fired at the mob
Hundereds of workers died, thousands wounded.
This incident is known as Bloody Sunday, that is
related to the Revolution of 1905 in Russia.
Electric Telegraph was invented by Graham Bell
in 1876.
John Macadam, an engineer of Scotland made
the first strong roads in England with the help of
small stones.
First important Trade Union Movement in the
world was Chartist Movement originated in England as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Japan was the first Asian country to be
The Steam Engine invented by Jameswatt was
called Beelzebub.
Industrial Revolution gave rise to Capitalism.
A little before the Industrial Revolution the Agrarian Revolution broke out in England.
Russian Revolution
Russia was united into an empire in the 9th century AD. Russia was unified by the Rurichs.
Russians belonged to the Salvonic race.
Mongols captured Russia in the 13th century.
The Romanoff Dynasty of Russia was founded
by Michael Romanoff in 1613.
Romanoff Emperors were known as Czars. They
ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917.
Peter the Great is considered as the father of
modern Russia.
Peter’s foreign policy was known as ‘warm water
Russian Revolution was started in 1917 and it
was led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin.
Lenin was the leader of the Russian Social
Democractic Labour Party.

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