world history part 4
Zorastrianism (Persian religion) was founded by
The Parsies of India believe in Zorastrianism.
Ahuramazda is the God of the Zorastrian religion.
‘Ahriman’ was considered as the evil spirit by
the Persians.
‘Avesta’ (Zend Avesta) is the sacred book of
‘Avesta’ is known as ‘Persian Bible’
Greek Civilisation
Greek Civilisation dates back to 800 BC
Greece is in the European continent.
Greece is on the coast of Mediterranean sea.
The civilisation existed in Greece, before the
Greeks was known as Aegean Civilization.
Early Greek immigrants were known as Ionians.
Greeks were collectively known as Hellenes.
Hence their civilization was known as Hellenistic Civilization.
Homer, a blind poet, composed Greek epics ‘Illiad’
and ‘Odyssey’.
Homer lived in the 9th century BC.
Democracy was originated in Greece. Greek Democracy was direct democracy.
Greek Civilisation reached the Zenith of its
progress during the period of Pericles, a ruler of
Athens. His Age is considered as the ‘Golden
Age of Athens. Under Pericles the city of Athens
got the name ‘‘the School of Hellas’’.
The civilisation of Greek city states is known as
‘Classical Civilisation’.
Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Mascedonia etc
were the major city states in Greece.
Pindar was a famous Greek Lyric Poet.
Aesceles was the greatest of the Greek dramatists, who wrote famous tragedies.
Greeks were the first to introduce Vowels in the
Euripides and Aristophenes were the other famous Greek dramatists.
Herodotuswho, wrote
about the Persian war
was a Greek historian.
He is considered as
the Father of History.
Demosthenese was a
world famous Greek
Thales of Meletus is
considered as the father of Greek Mathematics
Pythagoraswho made
great contributions in
Geometry was a Greek.
Anaxagoras, Euclid etc were famous Greek Mathematicians.
Hippocrates, who is considered as the father of
Medical Science was a Greek.
Leopold Van Ranke, a German historian is considered as the father of Modern History.
Thucydides another great Greek historian wrote
the history of the Peloponnesian war between
Athens and Sparta.
Socrates the Greatest of the Greek philosphers
was forced to commit suicide by drinking Hemlock a poison, in 399 BC.
Zantippee was the wife of Socrates.
Plato was the student of Socrates.
Plato’s original name was Aristocles.
Plato founded a university named ‘Academy’ in
Republic was the famous work of Plato.
Aristotle was the famous student of Plato.
Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great.
Aristotle founded a school named Lycium in Athens.
Aristotle is considered as the father of Biology,
Politics and the Science of Reasoning.
Aristotle was considered as a ‘Walking University’.
Hipparchus calculated the diameter of the Moon.
Erathosthenes calculated the circumference of the
The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in
Greece in 776 BC.
The Roman Emperor Theo-dosius banned Olympics in 394 BC. (more details about Olypics could
be seen in sports and games portion)
Macedonian Empire
Mascedonia was a Greek city state. It became a
prominent empire under its king Philip II (359 -
336 BC)
Alexander the Great, the son and successor of
Philip II, was born in 350 BC and became the ruler
in 337 BC.
Alexander defeated the Persian ruler Darius III.
Alexander captured Egypt and founded the city
of Alexandria there.
Alexander invaded India in 326 BC and defeated
Porus, the ruler of Taxila.
He died at the age of 33 in 323 BC at Babilonia.
Ptolemy, a commander of Alexander is considered as the Father of Cartography.
Archemedes the originator of the law of specific
gravity lived in the Hellenistic Age.
Roman Civilisation
Roman Civilisation developed on the banks of
river Tiber in Italy.
City of Rome was known as ‘‘City of Seven Hills’’.
City of Rome was founded in BC 753 by two brothers Romulas
and Romus.
The idea of
Republicoriginated in Rome.
‘Senate’ was
the Roman
Assembly of
Punic Wars were fought between Rome and
Julius Caesar one of the prominent rulers of Rome
was born in 102BC.
Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44BC by Casius,
Brutus and other senators.
‘‘I came, I saw, I conquered’’ His famous saying
Caesar modified the Old Calendar which had only
355 days, New Calendar came to be known as
Julian Calendar.
Later this calendar was modified by Pope Grigory
XIII and came to be known as Grigorian Calendar.
‘Caesarism’ means autocracy or imperial
Constantine was the first Roman king who accepted Christianity.
The city of Constantinople was founded by
Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453.
The Greatest contribution of Romans to the world
is their code laws.
Vergil the author of ‘Aenid’ was famous Roman
Lucricius the author of ‘‘On the Nature of
Things’’ was famous Epicurian Philosopher.
Pliny wrote the famous book ‘Historia Naturalis’
Romans were the inventors of concrete and the
technique of binding stone and bricks.
‘‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’’ is a
famous book written by Edward Gibbon.
Major Religions of the World
Judaism- Christianity - Islam
Judaism is one of the oldest religions of the world.
Abraham is considered as the father of the Jews.
Jews are the believers of one God, Jehovah.
Jews are the selected people of Jehovah
Mosses is considered as the founder of Judaism.
Mosses freed Egypt from slavery and gave the
Rome ‘‘Ten Commandments’’ at the Mount of Senai.
Judaism is considered as the mother religion of
Christianity and Islam.
‘Thorah’ is the Sacred text of the Jews
Thorah is included in the Old Testament of Bible.
The Hebrew word ‘Thorah’ means ‘to lead’ .
Synagogue is the worshipping centre of the Jews.
The White Jews Synagogue at Mattanchery in
Cochin is a worshipping centre of Jews in Kerala.
Jarusalem was the famous pilgrim centre of the
The worshipping centre in Jerusalem was constructed by King Solomon in BC 1000.
It was destructed by the Babilonian king
Nebukanisar in 587 BC.
Jarusalem is an equally holy place for the Jews,
the Christians and the Muslims.
Christianity was originated from Judaism.
Jesus Christ was born in 4 BC at Bethlahem in
the small town of Nasreth in Galeleo.
King Herodos of Yuda was a contemporary of
Jesus Christ.
Roman emperors Augustus and Thiberius Caesar had direct contact to Jesus Christ.
Those who believe in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ came to be known as Christians.
Christianity was spread to Kerala by St. Thomas
Aposthel in 52 AD (Crangannore).
Bible has four Gospels. They are the Gospels of
Mathews, Markose, Yohannan and Luckose.
Christ was crusified by the Jews in 29 AD.
Christ spoke in the Aramic Language which was
a mixture of Cyriac and Hebrew.
Roman Emperor Constantine gave freedom to the
Roman Christians through his Milan Proclamation (AD 313)
Theodosius proclaimed Christianity as state religion.
The word ‘Bible’ means book.
Bible is divided into two - Old Testament and New
‘Revelation’ is the last book of Bible.
Tamil was the first Asian language in which Bible
was printed (1715)
Ponthios Pelathos was the Roman Governor who
tried Jesus Christ.
Crusification of Christ was on a Friday, now it is
observed as ‘Good Friday’.
Hijas is known as the birthplace of Islam. The
Island which includes Hijas is known as the Island of Arabs.
Ka aba was the ancient worshipping centre in
Muhammed Nabi was born in AD 570 in the
Khuraisi tribe in Mecca. His father was Abdulla
and mother was Amina.
The Word Islam was originated from the root of
Invisible forces which acts as per the directions
of the god are known as Malakku.
Khadeeja was the first to receive the message of
Muhammed Nabi fled from the Mecca to Medina
to escape from the Khuraisis on 24th September
AD 622. This day is known as Hijra.
The followers who accompanied Muhammed to
Medina are known as Muhajirs.
He died on 8th June 632 AD at Medina.
Ka’ aba was the first centre established in the
world worship Allah.
Koran, Hadis and Ijmah are the basis of Islamic
Khalifa became the head of Islam after the death
of Muhammed.
Abu Beker, Umar, Usman and Ali were the
In 1924 Mustafa Kamal Pasha of Turkey abolished the title of Khalifa.
Koran is the codification of revelations given
through the Gabriel Angel to Muhammed.
It contains 114 chapters. It took 22 years to have
the complete revelations to Nabi.
Koran was codified in AD 633 during the period
of Khalifa Abu Beker.
There are two divisions in Islam - Shias and
Shias are the followers of Ali.
Iran is the only Shia majority nation in the world.
American Civilisation
Mayan, Inca and Aztec are the main native American civilisations flourished before the European
colonization of America.
First American Civilisation developed between
1000BC and 1000 AD.
Mayan books written on the bark of trees were
known as Codid.
Mayan Civilisation declined in the 15th century
due to Spanish invasion.
Toltecs were another Amarindian people who
developed their civilisation to the south of Mexican plateau. They constructed pyramids like the
Floating Gardens built by the Aztecs were known
as Chinambus.
Aztecs believed in the worships of serpents
The capital of Aztec was Tinochtitlans it was captured by Spanish conquerors in 1519 AD, thus
ended the Aztec Civilisation.
Most civilised of the Amarindian civilizations
was the Inca, which developed in Peru (South
Inca was politically the most developed
Amarindian tribes.
Maize, Potato, Tomato, Pumpkin, Pineapple,
Ground nuts, Guava, Tobacco, Cocaine etc were
made to use for the first time by the Inca people
of Peru.
The Sun Temple at Cusco was a contribution of
the Inca Civilization.
Red Indians were the aborginals of America. They
were named so by Columbus.
Christopher Columbus discovered America in
America derived its name from Americo Vespuci,
an Italian explorer.
Copper was the first metal used by Americans.
Maize cultivation was the base of American
African Civilisation
It is believed that human beings evolved in Africa.
The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach
City of Moro in Central Africa is known as
Berminhatam of Central Africa.
First country formed in the western part of Africa
is Ghana. Ghana is also known as the ‘Gold
Islam spread to Africa in the 8th Century.
Vasco-da-Gama was the first European to reach
the Cape of Good Hope, the southern most tip of
Bandus are the Negroes of Central and South
Africa. Bandu means humans.
The dark skinned race of Africa are called Negroes.
Swahilis are the people living in the parts ofKenya
and Tanzania. Zulus are the people living in South
Africa, belonging to the Bandu family.
Middle Ages
The attack of Roman Empire and its destruction
by the Barbarians in 455 AD marks the end of the
ancient world and the beginning of Middle Ages.
The word Barbarian means uncultured.
Early Middle Ages is known as ‘Dark Ages’. It
ended up to the 11th century
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The Parsies of India believe in Zorastrianism.
Ahuramazda is the God of the Zorastrian religion.
‘Ahriman’ was considered as the evil spirit by
the Persians.
‘Avesta’ (Zend Avesta) is the sacred book of
‘Avesta’ is known as ‘Persian Bible’
Greek Civilisation
Greek Civilisation dates back to 800 BC
Greece is in the European continent.
Greece is on the coast of Mediterranean sea.
The civilisation existed in Greece, before the
Greeks was known as Aegean Civilization.
Early Greek immigrants were known as Ionians.
Greeks were collectively known as Hellenes.
Hence their civilization was known as Hellenistic Civilization.
Homer, a blind poet, composed Greek epics ‘Illiad’
and ‘Odyssey’.
Homer lived in the 9th century BC.
Democracy was originated in Greece. Greek Democracy was direct democracy.
Greek Civilisation reached the Zenith of its
progress during the period of Pericles, a ruler of
Athens. His Age is considered as the ‘Golden
Age of Athens. Under Pericles the city of Athens
got the name ‘‘the School of Hellas’’.
The civilisation of Greek city states is known as
‘Classical Civilisation’.
Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Mascedonia etc
were the major city states in Greece.
Pindar was a famous Greek Lyric Poet.
Aesceles was the greatest of the Greek dramatists, who wrote famous tragedies.
Greeks were the first to introduce Vowels in the
Euripides and Aristophenes were the other famous Greek dramatists.
Herodotuswho, wrote
about the Persian war
was a Greek historian.
He is considered as
the Father of History.
Demosthenese was a
world famous Greek
Thales of Meletus is
considered as the father of Greek Mathematics
Pythagoraswho made
great contributions in
Geometry was a Greek.
Anaxagoras, Euclid etc were famous Greek Mathematicians.
Hippocrates, who is considered as the father of
Medical Science was a Greek.
Leopold Van Ranke, a German historian is considered as the father of Modern History.
Thucydides another great Greek historian wrote
the history of the Peloponnesian war between
Athens and Sparta.
Socrates the Greatest of the Greek philosphers
was forced to commit suicide by drinking Hemlock a poison, in 399 BC.
Zantippee was the wife of Socrates.
Plato was the student of Socrates.
Plato’s original name was Aristocles.
Plato founded a university named ‘Academy’ in
Republic was the famous work of Plato.
Aristotle was the famous student of Plato.
Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great.
Aristotle founded a school named Lycium in Athens.
Aristotle is considered as the father of Biology,
Politics and the Science of Reasoning.
Aristotle was considered as a ‘Walking University’.
Hipparchus calculated the diameter of the Moon.
Erathosthenes calculated the circumference of the
The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in
Greece in 776 BC.
The Roman Emperor Theo-dosius banned Olympics in 394 BC. (more details about Olypics could
be seen in sports and games portion)
Macedonian Empire
Mascedonia was a Greek city state. It became a
prominent empire under its king Philip II (359 -
336 BC)
Alexander the Great, the son and successor of
Philip II, was born in 350 BC and became the ruler
in 337 BC.
Alexander defeated the Persian ruler Darius III.
Alexander captured Egypt and founded the city
of Alexandria there.
Alexander invaded India in 326 BC and defeated
Porus, the ruler of Taxila.
He died at the age of 33 in 323 BC at Babilonia.
Ptolemy, a commander of Alexander is considered as the Father of Cartography.
Archemedes the originator of the law of specific
gravity lived in the Hellenistic Age.
Roman Civilisation
Roman Civilisation developed on the banks of
river Tiber in Italy.
City of Rome was known as ‘‘City of Seven Hills’’.
City of Rome was founded in BC 753 by two brothers Romulas
and Romus.
The idea of
Republicoriginated in Rome.
‘Senate’ was
the Roman
Assembly of
Punic Wars were fought between Rome and
Julius Caesar one of the prominent rulers of Rome
was born in 102BC.
Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44BC by Casius,
Brutus and other senators.
‘‘I came, I saw, I conquered’’ His famous saying
Caesar modified the Old Calendar which had only
355 days, New Calendar came to be known as
Julian Calendar.
Later this calendar was modified by Pope Grigory
XIII and came to be known as Grigorian Calendar.
‘Caesarism’ means autocracy or imperial
Constantine was the first Roman king who accepted Christianity.
The city of Constantinople was founded by
Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453.
The Greatest contribution of Romans to the world
is their code laws.
Vergil the author of ‘Aenid’ was famous Roman
Lucricius the author of ‘‘On the Nature of
Things’’ was famous Epicurian Philosopher.
Pliny wrote the famous book ‘Historia Naturalis’
Romans were the inventors of concrete and the
technique of binding stone and bricks.
‘‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’’ is a
famous book written by Edward Gibbon.
Major Religions of the World
Judaism- Christianity - Islam
Judaism is one of the oldest religions of the world.
Abraham is considered as the father of the Jews.
Jews are the believers of one God, Jehovah.
Jews are the selected people of Jehovah
Mosses is considered as the founder of Judaism.
Mosses freed Egypt from slavery and gave the
Rome ‘‘Ten Commandments’’ at the Mount of Senai.
Judaism is considered as the mother religion of
Christianity and Islam.
‘Thorah’ is the Sacred text of the Jews
Thorah is included in the Old Testament of Bible.
The Hebrew word ‘Thorah’ means ‘to lead’ .
Synagogue is the worshipping centre of the Jews.
The White Jews Synagogue at Mattanchery in
Cochin is a worshipping centre of Jews in Kerala.
Jarusalem was the famous pilgrim centre of the
The worshipping centre in Jerusalem was constructed by King Solomon in BC 1000.
It was destructed by the Babilonian king
Nebukanisar in 587 BC.
Jarusalem is an equally holy place for the Jews,
the Christians and the Muslims.
Christianity was originated from Judaism.
Jesus Christ was born in 4 BC at Bethlahem in
the small town of Nasreth in Galeleo.
King Herodos of Yuda was a contemporary of
Jesus Christ.
Roman emperors Augustus and Thiberius Caesar had direct contact to Jesus Christ.
Those who believe in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ came to be known as Christians.
Christianity was spread to Kerala by St. Thomas
Aposthel in 52 AD (Crangannore).
Bible has four Gospels. They are the Gospels of
Mathews, Markose, Yohannan and Luckose.
Christ was crusified by the Jews in 29 AD.
Christ spoke in the Aramic Language which was
a mixture of Cyriac and Hebrew.
Roman Emperor Constantine gave freedom to the
Roman Christians through his Milan Proclamation (AD 313)
Theodosius proclaimed Christianity as state religion.
The word ‘Bible’ means book.
Bible is divided into two - Old Testament and New
‘Revelation’ is the last book of Bible.
Tamil was the first Asian language in which Bible
was printed (1715)
Ponthios Pelathos was the Roman Governor who
tried Jesus Christ.
Crusification of Christ was on a Friday, now it is
observed as ‘Good Friday’.
Hijas is known as the birthplace of Islam. The
Island which includes Hijas is known as the Island of Arabs.
Ka aba was the ancient worshipping centre in
Muhammed Nabi was born in AD 570 in the
Khuraisi tribe in Mecca. His father was Abdulla
and mother was Amina.
The Word Islam was originated from the root of
Invisible forces which acts as per the directions
of the god are known as Malakku.
Khadeeja was the first to receive the message of
Muhammed Nabi fled from the Mecca to Medina
to escape from the Khuraisis on 24th September
AD 622. This day is known as Hijra.
The followers who accompanied Muhammed to
Medina are known as Muhajirs.
He died on 8th June 632 AD at Medina.
Ka’ aba was the first centre established in the
world worship Allah.
Koran, Hadis and Ijmah are the basis of Islamic
Khalifa became the head of Islam after the death
of Muhammed.
Abu Beker, Umar, Usman and Ali were the
In 1924 Mustafa Kamal Pasha of Turkey abolished the title of Khalifa.
Koran is the codification of revelations given
through the Gabriel Angel to Muhammed.
It contains 114 chapters. It took 22 years to have
the complete revelations to Nabi.
Koran was codified in AD 633 during the period
of Khalifa Abu Beker.
There are two divisions in Islam - Shias and
Shias are the followers of Ali.
Iran is the only Shia majority nation in the world.
American Civilisation
Mayan, Inca and Aztec are the main native American civilisations flourished before the European
colonization of America.
First American Civilisation developed between
1000BC and 1000 AD.
Mayan books written on the bark of trees were
known as Codid.
Mayan Civilisation declined in the 15th century
due to Spanish invasion.
Toltecs were another Amarindian people who
developed their civilisation to the south of Mexican plateau. They constructed pyramids like the
Floating Gardens built by the Aztecs were known
as Chinambus.
Aztecs believed in the worships of serpents
The capital of Aztec was Tinochtitlans it was captured by Spanish conquerors in 1519 AD, thus
ended the Aztec Civilisation.
Most civilised of the Amarindian civilizations
was the Inca, which developed in Peru (South
Inca was politically the most developed
Amarindian tribes.
Maize, Potato, Tomato, Pumpkin, Pineapple,
Ground nuts, Guava, Tobacco, Cocaine etc were
made to use for the first time by the Inca people
of Peru.
The Sun Temple at Cusco was a contribution of
the Inca Civilization.
Red Indians were the aborginals of America. They
were named so by Columbus.
Christopher Columbus discovered America in
America derived its name from Americo Vespuci,
an Italian explorer.
Copper was the first metal used by Americans.
Maize cultivation was the base of American
African Civilisation
It is believed that human beings evolved in Africa.
The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach
City of Moro in Central Africa is known as
Berminhatam of Central Africa.
First country formed in the western part of Africa
is Ghana. Ghana is also known as the ‘Gold
Islam spread to Africa in the 8th Century.
Vasco-da-Gama was the first European to reach
the Cape of Good Hope, the southern most tip of
Bandus are the Negroes of Central and South
Africa. Bandu means humans.
The dark skinned race of Africa are called Negroes.
Swahilis are the people living in the parts ofKenya
and Tanzania. Zulus are the people living in South
Africa, belonging to the Bandu family.
Middle Ages
The attack of Roman Empire and its destruction
by the Barbarians in 455 AD marks the end of the
ancient world and the beginning of Middle Ages.
The word Barbarian means uncultured.
Early Middle Ages is known as ‘Dark Ages’. It
ended up to the 11th century
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