6 Environmental science Social Issues part 2

Rehabilitation should be collective
In the villages, almost each’ family depends on the other. The social and moral obligations
towards each other bind them into one cohesive whole. The authorities are rehabilitating
individual families and not the village as a whole.
Monetary Compensation
Mere payment of cash is not rehabilitation. Moreover, the amount of cash paid as
compensation is insufficient to buy land in other places because of the high rates. The
oustees being basically farmers lack the business acumen needed to set up a viable commercial
alternative. Since they are not accustomed to having such large sums (relative to their
usually small incomes) in a lump sum, they are ignorant as to how they should spend it.
The project authorities estimated the total affected population in 1981 as 46,000. Using
the Census Office figures, the total number affected for 1981 is act 70,000.
Lack of Public Relations
The majority of populace to be displaced consists of advises, tribal, scheduled castes
that have a unique lifestyle. The traumatic experience of shifting to new areas and new
occupations involving drastic changes in their lifestyle weighs heavily on these people. The
absence of any public relation efforts has further aggravated the situation.
Housing compensation: It is necessary to highlight a major flaw in the procedure for
fixed immovable property like houses, well, barns fence, cattle-stalls, etc. The present
procedure evaluates the “current worth” or “value after depreciation” for determining the
amount of compensation. This concept is faulty. He should be paid an amount for his house
etc., equivalent to the cost of reconstructing a dwelling place equal to the plinth area lost
under submergence. This amount (i.e., replacement cost) will obviously be more than the
“current worth” of his old dwelling.
Environmental Ethics
The Earth is unique among all the planets in our solar system. It is endowed with
plentiful resources. Man’s greed to raise his standard of living compels him control and tap
natural resources. Many. rivers throughout the world have been “controlled” to provide
power, irrigation, and navigation for the people at the expense of the natural world. If such
gifts of nature are not tapped for resource generation, many people think it to be wastage
of resources. The capitalists want to use the forests for timber production and not doing so
is closely linked to economical hardships. Removing the trees would destroy something that
took hundreds of years to develop and may never be replaced. Efforts to manage the
interactions between people and their environment are an age-old practice. At one time,
pollution was a local, temporary event, but today, pollution problems have crossed
international borders and have become global. The seminars over chemical and radioactive
waste disposal witness the increasingly international nature of pollution.
Ethical issues dealing with the environment are no different from other kinds of problems.
The concept of an environmental ethics could encompass differing principles and beliefs.
Ethics is one branch of philosophy, which fundamentally attempts to define what is right,
and what is wrong, regardless of cultural differences. Environmental ethics are formulated

on the basis that human beings are also a part of nature and nature has many interdependent
components. In any natural ecosystem, the well being of the individual and of each species
is linked to the well being of the entire community. In a world increasingly without
environmental borders, nations, like individuals, should have a fundamental ethical
responsibility to respect nature and to care for the Earth, protecting its life-support systems,
biodiversity, and beauty, caring for the needs of other countries and future generations.
Environmental ethicists argue that to consider environmental protection as a “right” of the
planet is a natural extension of concepts of human rights.
Although there are many different attitudes about the environment. Three types of the
ethics are identified as (a) the development ethic, (b) the preservation ethic, and (c) the
conservation ethic. Each of these ethical positions has its own appropriate code of conduct
against which ecological mortality may be measured.
The development ethic is based 011 actions. Development in any sector is inevitable.
. But the development should not crop up at the cost of environmental failure. This philosophy
is strengthened by the idea that, “if it can be done, it should be done.”
The preservation ethic considers nature special in itself. Some preservationists have
an almost religious outlook regarding nature. They believe that nature is beautiful place to
live in and it should be maintained for feeding, breeding, enjoyment and peace. On the other
hand scientific outlook argue that the human species depends on and has much to learn
from nature. Rare and endangered species and ecosystems, as well as the more common
ones, must be preserved because of their known or assumed long-range, practical utility.
The third environmental ethic is referred to as the conservation ethic, It recognizes
the desirability of decent living standards, but it works towards a balance of resource use
and resource availability.
Economic growth and resource exploitation are attitudes shared by developing
societies. As a society, we continue to consume natural resources as if the supplies were
never ending. All of this is reflected in our increasingly unstable relationship with the
environment, which grows out of our tendency to take from the “common good” without
regard for the future.

Global Environmental Ethics
This new sense of urgency and common cause about the environment is leading to
unprecedented cooperation in some areas. Ecological degradation in any nation almost
inevitably impinges on the quality of life in others. For years, acid rain has been a major
irritant in relations between the United States and Canada.
Will the nations of the world be able to put aside their political differences to work
towards a global environmental course of action? Out of that international conference was
born the U.N. Environment Programme a separate department of the United Nations that
deals with environmental issues. Through organizations such as this nations can work
together to solve common environmental problems. Deep ecologists, on the other hand, see
humankind itself as the main problem. They believe that the earth is a complex organism
with its own needs, metabolism; and immune system and that humankind’s relationship
with the earth is increasingly parasitic. In the book Deep Ecology: Living Nature. As If
Nature Mattered, proponents Bill Devall and George Sessions, clearly state their principles:
(1) Humans have no right to reduce the richness and diversity of life except to satisfy vital
needs: (2) the quality of human life and culture is compatible with a substantial decrease
in the human population; and (3) the flourishing of non-human life requires such a decrease.
To secure for current and future generations a safe and healthy environment, a sound
and prosperous economy should aim at:
1. Ensure that citizens today and tomorrow have the clean air water, and land essential
to sustaining human health and the environment.
2. Protect and enhance, the quality of water resources and promote the wise and
efficient use of water.
3. Maintain and enhance the health and diversity of the wildlife and planets.
4. Develop an environmentally literate society.
Climate Change
The recent interest in global warming and sustainable development has become a
global talk. The most important global environmental topics as chosen by a panel of about
12 world experts were as follows: human population growth, bio-diversity and conservation,
climate change, forest decline, hazardous wastes, land degradation, human pathogens, urban
environment, work environment and resource depletion. Man is as closely related to nature
as he is to himself, because he is a part of it. An outright dependence on nature has been
a striking feature of man’s progress through the centuries of his struggle.

Climate has from the very beginning regulated man in practically every aspect of life
and has played a very important role in the development of civilizations all around the
world. Man’s impact on climate began 5000 to 9000 years ago, as he was able to alter the
environment by burning and felling forest and tilling the earth. The most extensive change
wrought by man prior to our own times was the gradual conversion of most of the temperate
forest zone to crops that is an artificial steppe or savanna. Thus until the industrial revolution
and probably until the present century, man had little effect on the climate except on a very
local scale.
Presently global warming has emerged as one of the most important environmental
issues ever to confront humanity. This concern arises from the fact that our everyday
activities may be leading to changes in the earth’s atmosphere that have the potential: to
significantly alter the planet’s heat and radiation balance, and thereby lead to a warmer
climate in the next century and thereafter. International efforts to address this problem
have been on for the last decade, with the Earth Summit at Rio in 1992 as an important
launching point and the Conference of Parties in Buenos Aires. In 1998 as the most recent
step. Although India as a developing country does not have any commitments or
responsibilities at present for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide (CO2) that lead to global warming, pressure is increasing on India and other large,
rapidly developing countries such as China and Brazil to adopt a more pro-active role.
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is a newcomer to the international political and environmental agenda,
having emerged as a major policy issue only in the late 1980s and thereafter. It has emerged
since the 19th century that CO2 in the atmosphere is a ‘greenhouse gas’, that is, its presence
in the atmosphere helps to retain the incoming heat energy from the sun, thereby increasing
the earth’s surface temperature. Of course, CO2 is only one of several such greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere. Others include methane, nitrous oxide and water vapour. However, CO2
is the most important greenhouse gas that is being affected by human activities. CO2 is
generated by a multitude of processes. Since the Industrial Revolution, when our usage of
fossil fuels increased dramatically, the contribution of CO2 from human activities has grown
large enough to constitute a significant perturbation of the natural carbon cycle.
The concentration of CO
2 in the Earth’s atmosphere was about 280 parts per million by
volume (ppmv) in 1750, before the Industrial Revolution began. By 1994 it was 358 ppmv
and rising by about 1.5 ppnw per year. If emissions continue at the 1994 rate, the
concentration will be around 500 ppmv, nearly double the pre-industrial level, by the end
of the 21st century.
Rising Concentrations
The effect is that the atmosphere retains more of the Sun’s heat, warming the Earth’s
surface. While the pattern of future warming is very much open to debate, it is indisputable
that the surface of the Earth has warmed, on average, 0.3 to 0.6 °C since the late 19th
century when reliable temperature measurements began. Under the existing scenarios of
economic growth and development leading to greenhouse gas emissions, on a worldwide
average, temperatures would rise by 1 to 3.5 °C by the year 2100, and global mean sea level
by about 15 to 95 cm. It is likely that changes of this magnitude and rapidity could pose

severe problems for many natural and managed ecosystems. Indeed, for many low-lying and
deltaic areas and small islands, a sea level rise of one meter could threaten complete Joss
of land and extinction of habitation.
Extreme Weather Events
In addition, most of the ill effects of climate change are linked to extreme weather
events, such as hot or cold spells of temperature, or wet or dry spells of rainfall, or cyclones
and floods. Predictions of the nature and distributions of such events in a changed climate
are even more uncertain- to the extent that virtually no authoritative predictions exist at
all. While there are costs as well as benefits associated with climate change, the scientific
consensus is clearly that the overall effects are likely to pose a significant burden on the
global community. Unlike many other environmental issues, such as local air or water
pollution, or even stratospheric ozone depletion caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), global
warming poses special challenges due to the spatial and temporal extent of the problem
covering the globe and with decades to centuries time scales.
Analysis and assessment of just what steps needed to be taken to limit greenhouse gas
emissions. This process resulted in the negotiation’ of a protocol, the final details of which
were completed at the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework
Convention held December 1-12, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan. The Kyoto Protocol to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change commits industrialized nations to specific,
legally binding emission reduction targets for six greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, per-fluorinated compounds and sulphur hex fluoride.
First, although India does not currently have any obligations under the Convention to
reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. It is important for us to develop a clear understanding
of our emission inventory. We also need to document and analyze our efforts in areas such
as renewable energy, wasteland development and a forestation - all of which contribute
towards either reducing CO2 emissions or increasing CO2 removal from the atmosphere.
Considering that these efforts may often be undertaken for a variety of reasons not directly
related to global warming, but yet has benefits as far as climate change is concerned, we
may be able to leverage such efforts in the international context. The Research community
could contribute substantially in this regard. We need to significantly improve our ability
to plan and adapt to extreme events such as floods, droughts, cyclones and other meteorological
hazards. Any robustness that we build into the system in this regard will always stand us
in good stead no matter what climate change actually transpires.

Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

In the late 1900’s researchers realized that the world may be getting warmer. The last
two decades of the 1900’s witnessed some warm and cool years. However, not enough
evidences were available to support the theory of global warming. But this a well-known fact
that accumulation of several green house gases can lead to a rise in temperature (global
warming). If a global warming phenomenon sets in this would result in major changes in
world’s climate. The increase in temperature might lead melting of snow on poles, which
would terrifically add, to ocean waters. Hence the level of seas, and oceans would rise, this
would largely affect the coastal areas. These would submerge under coastal Waters due to
expansion of seas and oceans. Besides the Temperate climate pattern would shift northward
and present temperate regions would become hot & dry.

The Greenhouse Effect is a natural phenomenon that plays a central role, in determining
the earth’s climate. The hot surface of the sun radiates heat and light energy. Several gases
in the atmosphere are transparent to light but absorb infrared radiation. These allow sunlight
to pass through the atmosphere and be absorbed by the earth’s surface. This energy ,is
again radiated as heat energy, which is absorbed by the gases. As the effect is similar in
nature to what happens in a’ botanical greenhouse (the glass panes allows the light energy
to enter inside but diminishes the loss of heat), these gases are called greenhouse gases and
the resultant warming from their increase is called the greenhouse effect. Anthropogenic
activities add to the phenomenon accelerating greenhouse gas building process. Global increase
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere viz., carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and
chlorofluorocarbons are now well documented. In addition to all these changes, troposphere
and stratospheric chemistry are being modified due to the addition of these gases as well
as emission of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other compound. The United State
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation in 1989 have
documented the increase of the different green house gases.
Table 6.1: Major Green House Gases Contributing to Global Warming
Sl.No. Gas Contribution to global
1. Carbon dioxide 57
2. Chlorofluorocarbons 25
3. Methane 12
4. Nitrous oxide 6
The concentration of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has increased by 25% since the
industrial revolution. Carbon dioxide is increasing at a rate of about 0.4% per year and is
responsible for about half of the current increases in the greenhouse effect. The concentration
of methane has more than doubled during the last three centuries. Agricultural sources
particularly rice cultivation and animal husbandry has probably been the most significant
contributors to historical increase in concentrations. But there is the potential for rapid
growth in emissions from landfills, coal seems, permafrost, natural gas explorations and
pipeline leakage, and biomass burning associated with forest clearings in the future.
The concentrations of nitrous oxide have increased by 5-10% since pre-industrial times.
The cause of this increase is highly uncertain, but it has been understood that the use of
nitrogenous fertilizer, land clearing biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion have all
contributed. Nitrous oxide is currently increasing at a rate of about 0.25% per year, which
represents and imbalance between sources and sinks of about 30%. CFC’s were introduced
into the atmosphere for the first time during the century; the most common species are
CFC-12 and CFC-II. Of major concern because of their potential to deplete stratospheric
ozone, the CFCs also represent about 15% of the current increases in the greenhouse effect.
The chemistry of the atmosphere is changing due to emission of carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds, among other species, in addition to the
changes in the greenhouse gases already described. This alters the amount and distribution
of ozone and the oxidizing power of the atmosphere. which changes the lifetimes of methane

and other greenhouse gases. Changes in global ozone are quite uncertain, and may have
contributed to an increase or decrease in the warming commitment during the last decade.
Acid Rain
Although the phenomenon of “acid rain” (more correctly acid deposition) was identified
in Manchester, England, as long ago as 1852, and described more thoroughly in 1872,
modern scientific research has been going on only since the mid-1950s. Public concern about
the problem began in the late 1960s. Acid rain is an environmental hazard that is transponder
in nature. Northeastern America, North Western Europe and India are facing an acute
problem of acid rain. Acid rain has affected certain rivers, lakes, streams and forests in
United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA), Germany and many other countries.
Acid rain literally means ‘the presence of excessive acids in rain waters’. Acid precipitation
is a mixture of strong mineral acids sulphuric acid (H2SO4), nitric acid (HNO3) and in some
locations, hydrochloric acid (HCl). It usually has a ph of less than 5.6, the value of distilled
water in equilibrium with atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Acid in the Rain Water’s
Acid rain problem is a result of anthropogenic activities. Most acids come from cars,
homes, industries and power stations but some share is contributed by natural sources such
as volcanoes, swamps and planktons. The acid problem is basically associated with the
transport and subsequent deposition of oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and their oxidative
products. These are produced by combustion of fossil fuels, power plants, automobile exhausts
and domestic fires etc.
Formation of Acid Rain
Acid rain is one of the form of acid deposition which can either be wet or dry, acid rain,
snow, dew, fog, frost and mist are the wet form of deposition, while dust particles containing
sulphate and nitrates which settle on ground is called dry deposition.
Wet Acid Rain
Coal, fuel wood or petroleum products have sulphur and nitrogen. These elements,
when burnt in atmospheric oxygen,’ are converted into their respective oxides (SO2 and
3), which are highly soluble in water. By anthropogenic and by natural sources, oxides
of sulphur and nitrogen enter the atmosphere.
Reaction with Sulphur
S + O
2 = SO2
2 + O2 = 2SO3
Reaction with Nitrogen
NO + O
3 = NO2 + O2
3 + NO2 = N2O5
When air is saturated with water droplets (humid conditions), N2O5 invariably reacts
with water vapors to form droplets of HNO3.

N2O5 + H2O = 2HNO3Besides some HNO2 is also formedN2O3 + H2O = 2HNO2SO3 in humid conditions forms droplets of H2SO4.SO2 + 1/202O2 + H2O = H2SO4HNO3 and H2SO4 thus formed combine with HCl to generate precipitation, which iscommonly referred to as acid rain.The primary reason for concern is that acid deposition acidifies streams, and taken oncoarse, sandy soils low in lime: The effect is seen particularly in headwater areas and in wetmontane environments, wherever sulphate loading from anthropogenic sources is strong.The chemical and physical consequences of lake acidification include, increased leaching ofcalcium from terrestrial soils, mobilization of heavy metals such as aluminium, zinc, andmanganese and an increase in the transparency of lake waters. The biological consequencesinclude market changes in communities of aquatic plants and animals, with a progressivelessening of their diversity.Acid deposition may further impoverish forests soils, developed on sandy substrata poorin lime. As a consequence of accelerated leaching of nutrients, such as phosphorous, potassium,magnesium and calcium from these soils, forest productivity would eventually be reduced.Moreover, the acid sulphate particles that contribute to acid precipitation are in the sizerange that penetrates deep into the lung, and they may well exacerbate lung diseases andincrease mortality rates.Ozone Layer DepletionJoseph Farman, of the British Meteorological Survey, and colleagues reported in thescientific journal Nature that concentrations of stratospheric ozone above Antarctica hadplunged more than 40 percent from 1960s baseline levels during October, the first monthof spring in the Southern Hemisphere, between 1977 and 1984. It meant that for severalmonths of the year a hole forms in the ozone layer, which protects animals and plants fromultraviolet solar radiation. Suddenly it seemed that the chemical processes known to depleteozone high in the earth’s atmosphere were working faster and more efficiently than predicted.Chemistry of the Ozone LayerOxygen molecules (O2), abundant throughout the atmosphere, are split apart intoindividual atoms (O + O) when energized by radiation from the sun. These atoms are freeto collide with other O2 molecules to form ozone (O3). The particular configuration of theozone molecules allows them to absorb the sun’s radiation in ultraviolet wavelengths thatare harmful to life if they penetrate to the earth’s surface. The ozone molecules formed bycollision are partially removed by other naturally occurring chemical reactions, and so theoverall concentration of stratospheric ozone remains constant. High above the stratosphere,the density of gases is. so low that oxygen atoms rarely find other molecules to collide with,and ozone does not form in abundance. Below the ozone layer, too little solar radiationpenetrates to allow appreciable amounts of ozone to form. Thus most of the world’s ozone
is in a stratospheric layer bulging with ozone at latitudes from 10 to 35 kilometers.

Closer to the ground, in the troposphere, ozone produced through a series of chemical
reactions involving hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide emissions from vehicles and industrial
activity is an effective greenhouse gas. Thus, ozone plays two very different roles in global
environmental change: one in the stratosphere as a shield against harmful ultraviolet
radiation, and another nearer the ground in the troposphere as a greenhouse gas find a
health hazard.
The researchers hypothesized in 1974 that increasing concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), synthetic compounds that are chemically very stable in the lower atmosphere,
rise unchanged through the lowest atmospheric layer, the troposphere. Even though CFCs
are produced mostly in the industrialized countries of Europe and North America—where
they are used in a wide variety of applications such as for solvents and refrigerants.
The researchers surmised that upon reaching the stratosphere, the CFCs encounter
high-energy ultraviolet light’, which breaks them down, releasing their chlorine atoms. The
chlorine atoms can then engage with ozone in a catalytic reaction in which each chlorine
fragment can destroy up to 100,000 ozone molecules before other chemical processes remove
the chlorine from the atmosphere.
The Antarctic Ozone Hole
Now, many scientists describe the Antarctic ozone hole as the first unequivocal evidence
of ozone loss due to man-made chlorine and one of the first clearly definable effects of
human-induced global change. They found that the ozone levels dip at about the same
latitudes where levels of chlorine monoxide ascend. Scientists are convinced that the elevated
levels of chlorine and bromine account for much of the ozone depletion. The ozone molecules
are formed over the tropics and are delivered along with chlorine to the Antarctic, as well
as to the Arctic, via atmospheric motions. In Antarctica, a circulation pattern known as the
Antarctic polar vortex traps the ozone cover the South Pole for several months. It is within
this vortex that scientists have measured such shockingly low ozone concentrations during
the first two weeks of October shortly after the beginning of the Southern Hemisphere
spring. The chemical reactions that take place on these surfaces convert chlorine from forms
that do not react with ozone to other, less stable forms that readily break up in the presence
of sunlight and go on to destroy ozone. Both cold temperatures and sunlight arc critical to
the process leading to ozone depletion in the Antarctic. Antarctic ozone is depleted not
during the winter, when temperatures are coldest and the South Pole is immersed in darkness,
but in the southern spring, after sunlight returns but temperatures are still low.
Effect on Line
The ozone layer is essential to life because it shields it from damaging ultraviolet
radiation. Researchers are trying to learn how humans, vegetation, and aquatic ecosystems
each may be affected by ozone depletion. Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation can damage
the human immune system, cause cataracts, and increase the incidence or skin cancer. The
EPA estimated in 1986 that the incidence of skin cancers would rise 2 percent for each 1
percent depletion of stratospheric ozone. As part of the effort to understand the effects on
vegetation and crops, researchers have tested more than 200 plant species, two-thirds of
which show sensitivity to increased ultraviolet exposure. Soybeans, one of civilization’s
staple food crops, are particularly susceptible to ozone damage, as are members of the bean

and pea, squash and melon, and cabbage families. Plant responses to ultraviolet radiation
include reduced leaf size, stunted growth, poor seed quality, and increased susceptibility to
weeds, disease, and pests. Scientists are also in the early stages of understanding how
ultraviolet radiation might affect marine ecosystems and animals. Concern about these
systems begins with phytoplankton, microscopic marine algae that form the base of the
marine food web. Studies in the tropics have shown that significant amounts of ultraviolet
radiation can kill them, while lesser amounts can slow photosynthesis and thus productivity.
In Antarctica, this could affect kill, tiny crustaceans a notch up the food chain, and then
fish, birds and marine mammals including seals and whales. While water provides some
protection from radiation, crude estimates indicate that ultraviolet radiation can penetrate
to depths of 10 to 20 meters. Some phytoplankton is known to be tolerant of ultraviolet
radiation, whereas others cannot tolerate any. A likely response will be for tolerant species
to replace sensitive ones, though no one knows how this would affect the fish that eat them.
Nations Joining to Protect the Ozone Layer
The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, negotiated in
September 1987, calls for 50 per cent reduction in CFC production from 1986 levels by 1999.
Forty-nine nations- including Canada, the United States Japan, and many nations in Europe,
which together consume 80 percent of the chemicals controlled-have ratified the protocol.
The protocol is a delicate balance between the most up-to-date scientific information, reliable
industrial expertise, and committed political leadership, all supported by strong and informed
public interest. The Montreal Protocol may prove to be a model for actions that span national
boundaries and interests as the world addresses common environmental issues such as
greenhouse warming and other forms of global change.
Several conferences in the recent years have taken place which have provided
international policy framework to be considered when dealing with the science of the global
climate change as under:
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (Vienna, Austria, March 22,
1985). This convention was signed by 20 states and the EEC at a conference convened by
the UNEP. The object of the convention was the protection of human health and the
environment against adverse effect resulting or likely to result from human activities, which
modify or are likely to modify the ozone layer. International conference on the assessment
of the role of CO
2 and other green house gases in climate variations and associated impacts
(Villach, Austria, October 9- 15, 1985) and follow up workshops (Viliach, Austria, September,
28, October 2, 1987 Bellagio, Italy November 9-13, 1987). The Viuach conference held with
29 countries recommended that the- governments and intergovernmental organizations should
take into account the results of the assessment made in their environmental programmes,
and should favour the increase of public information effects on the global change issues.
This meet was in regard with the assessment of the presence of carbon’ dioxide in the
Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal, Canada,
September 16, 1987). This protocol signed by 24 of the 46 countries attending a Conference
in Montreal seeks to inhibit the production, consumption and trade of ozone-depleting
compounds. The compounds are divided into groups: Group I (certain CFSs) and Group II

(specific halons) each subject to different limitations. The protocol also distinguishes between
two groups of countries, the more developed with relatively high levels of consumption of
the contoured ozone depleting substances and the developing countries with relatively low
levels of consumption.
International Conference on the Protection of the Global Atmosphere (The Hague, The
Netherlands, March 11, 1989). This conference held at the initiative of the French Prime
Minister and co-sponsored by the French, Dutch, and the Norwegian governments, produced
“The Hague Declaration” which called for the development within the UN framework of a
new institutional authority, either by strengthening existing institutions or by creating new
institutions. The declaration also called for the creation of an “Atmospheric Fund” to provide
“fair and equitable assistance to compensate countries bearing and abnormal or special
burden as a result of decisions taken to protect the atmosphere.”
Earth Summit-United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de
Janeiro 3-14 June, 1992)- The historic Earth Summit held from June 3-14, 1992 in Rio de
Janeiro was attended by over 115 heads of states or governments. The major achievement
was the adoption of Agenda 21, a voluminous 800 pages document that details how countries
would go about achieving sustainable development with detailed chapters on the financial
principle and mechanisms involved. There are also chapter on technology transfers.

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