6 Environmental science Social Issues part 3
Scientific Programmes an Other Activities of International Organizations
The UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), UNDP (United Nations
Development Programme) are some of the environment programmes, which are making
active efforts and are doing research in this field. Apart from them, Economic Commission
for Europe (ECE), the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Science
Foundation (ESF), The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), International Social
Science Council (lSSC), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), The Inter-governmental
Oceanographic Commission (IOC) - this a part of UNESCO, the Scientific Committee on
Ocean Research (SCOR) and many other such organizations. Apart from them there are
other scientific activities underway which are funded by different organizations such as the
World’ Weather Watch (WWW), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), World Climate
Programme (WCP), World Climate Impact Studies Programme (WCIP), Past Global Change
(PAGES), Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS), (Human Dimension of Global
Change (HDGC), Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS), Global’ Change and
Terrestrial Eco-System (GCTE).
The Earth’s atmosphere is being changed at an unprecedented rate by pollutants resulting
from human activities, inefficient and wasteful fossil fuel use and the effects of rapid
population growth in many regions. Global climate is changing because of the build up in
the atmosphere of carbon dioxide methane, nitrous oxide, the CFC’s (powerful greenhouse
gases as well as destroyers of stratospheric ozone), and other greenhouse gases produced by
fossil fuel burning, by deforestation and by producing food for the rapidly increasing population
at a global level.
Wasteland Reclamation
What is land degradation? Land degradation refers to the physical or chemical processes,
which make land, unfit for a variety of purposes like agriculture, commercial, residential
etc. Why land becomes degraded? Geological processes and anthropogenic activities are
chiefly responsible for land degradation. Can degraded land be reclaimed or rejuvenated? To
answer this grave question we have Central Arid Zone Research Area (CAZRA) at Jodhpur
concerned with the conservation of land.
During recent years increase in human activity has led to the degradation of habitat
including cultivated land forests. Mangroves etc. About 50% of the land throughout the
planet is arid with problem of acidity and salinity. Restoration of these areas is a matter
of concern for developed as well as developing countries. However, in sites method are
relatively in efficient. With the advent of biotechnology however a number of opportunities
for ‘recovery of degraded land have arisen through manipulation of biological systems.
Land, which does not give enough economic return or is otherwise useless, can broadly
be termed as wasteland. National Wasteland Development Board (NWDB) in the ministry
or Environment and Forest have defined wasteland as that land which is degraded and is
presently lying unutilized. Further it has classified it into two categories as i) Culturally
wasteland and ii) Non-cultural wasteland. Characteristics features of wasteland can be
summarized as under:
• The land becomes ecologically unstable and unproductive.
• Land that has nearly or completely lost its topsoil.
• Land that has developed toxicity in the zone of roots for the growth of most plants.
Land Reclamation
It is a process of making an uncultivable land fit for cultivation which is then said to
have been reclaimed. Generally it is carried out either by temporary or permanent control.
Temporary Control Includes
1. Ploughing of salt-’surface crust deeply into the soil.
2. Removing surface accumulation from the soil.
3. Neutralizing the effects of certain salts by use of other salts or acids.
Permanent Control Includes
1. Adequate lowering of water table.
2. Satisfactory water infiltration.
3. Leaching excess salts out of the soil.
4. Intelligent management of soil.
Physical Improvements Involves
1. Applying enough water.
2. Keeping drains open and in good repair.
3. Preventing excessive evaporation.
A few biotechnological methods are described below: .
(i) Reforestation — through micro propagation
(ii) Improvement in soil — by mycorrhize
(iii)Improvement of soil — through N2 fixation
(iv) Development of stress tolerant plant through biotechnology manipulation.
(v) Toxic site reclamation through selective engineer microbes.
Reforestations (Micro Propagation)
Ex situ conservation activities have been carried out through establishment of gene
banks. They have become particularly important for the conservation of crop varieties or
Improvement of crops and & a forestation programmes. The UNEP has advocated for in-situ
and ex-situ conservation efforts. However, funds for ex-situ conservation have been enhanced
recently. A special emphasis has been given to a forestation since forest is a good source of
food, fodder, fiber and pulp. Moreover they help in maintaining climatic stability and
biodiversity. It has been shown that degraded lands can be effectively used and restored by
planting forests. Using trees of wide adaptability and productivity for this purpose clonal
propagation method have been prescribed rather than using seeds of uncertain genetic
quality. Clonal micro propagation can be achieved through techniques of tissue culture.
It has been estimated that multiplication state of 100-200 per year is technically possible
for many species towards this objective genotypes capable of growing well on degraded land
have been selected for mass propagation/multiplication.
The clonal multiplication involves 4 steps.
1. Maintaining an aseptic culture.
2. Shoot multiplication using apical meristem or buds.
3. Rooting of in vitro forms shoots.
4. Acclimatization and transfer of micro propagated plantlets to the field.
According to an estimate in 1990 500 million plants of diverse nature were produced
through micro propagation in 60 countries. In New Zealand large number of micro propagation
plantlets – Pine trees (Pinus radiata) are been used and it is estimated that 2 million
plantlets were in the field in the year 1992.
Stress Tolerant Plant
A large number of biotic factors can create stress to the plant as well as animals. The
survival of plant under such stress conditions like deserts marshland saline acidic and
alkaline condition can be manipulated by suitable strategies. Efforts are under-way for
development of plant resistance to such conditions using biotech methods. Cell lines exhibiting
resistance or tolerance to salt stress have been selected in a large number of plant species
and can be used to reclaim degraded land suffering from salinity.
These are as follows:
Brassica sp. Capsicum annum
Cieer arietinum Citrus aurantium
C. sinensis Dacus carota
Nicotiana tobaccum Oryzae sativa
Triticum aeslivium Sapiendus trifoliala
There are several species of trees that exhibit moderate resistance to salinity that can
be used for reclamation of saline soils. These are Prosobis, Spicigera, Beautea monosperma,
Terminalia ballacca. Efforts are being made to understand the basis of salt tolerance and
isolate the gene responsible for this attribute so that salt tolerant plant can be developed
through genetic engineering. Attempts have been made to develop acidic resistant crops.
Man made synthetic crop ‘triticale’ has been found to be suitable in acidic soils, in countries
like: Poland, Kenya. & Mexico, on dry and sandy soils e.g. Brazil, on alkaline and calcareous
soils e.g. Spain, USA, on mineral, deficient & high boron soils.
Methods For Reclaiming Land
1. Reclamation & management of saline and alkaline soils can be done through:
Alkali soils usually contain excessive amounts of sodium and therefore have a poor
physical condition. To be reclaimed these soils must be changed chemically and improved
physically. The chemical changes consist of exchanging calcium for sodium and thus leaching
away the Na salts. Application of PO4 fertilizers is usually recommendable for low phosphorous
containing soils.
2. Reclamation of waterlogged land:
Agricultural land is said to be water logged when its fertility is affected by the height
of water table, due to flooding of root zone of plants, ill-aeration results. They can be made
productive by providing efficient surface drainage and sub-surface drainage:
1. Pipe/tile drains
2. Deep open trenches
3. Reclamation of soils damaged by sea water:
Areas near seacoasts suffer occasional flooding by seawater. In such cases soils
have reclaimed by pumping out the excess salts, water & drainage e.g. Netherlands.
4. Reclamation of mined wasteland:
Mining and its allied works have ravaged the land surface. To reclaim such ravaged
lands species selected should be able to quickly grow and effectively stabilize and improve
the soil. Mixture of grasses rather than woody perennials is preferred.
Reclamation Work In India
In India reclamation of limestone & rock phosphate mines in Dehradun and Mussourie
has been successfully accomplished with the help of Pinus, Ledrus, Acacia sp. The story of
degeneration and regeneration of Jhabua-poor tribal districts of Madhya Pradesh bordering
Gujarat is also satisfactory. It was reclaimed with watershed development in mid 1990' s
under the Rajiv Gandhi Mission. In 1993, the intervention of a NGO, the Samaj Pragati
Sahyog in Neemkheda, a remote Village in Dewas district of M.P. took a number of watershed
development activities. An area of nearly 300 m2 has been reclaimed in Baiera Village
(Kangra, H.P.) by an old co-operative farming society (1965-66).
All these instances show that the regeneration of the environment is possible with
political will, competent and committed bureaucratic support, people’s participation &
enforcement of stringent laws.
Consumerism and Waste Products
Increase in demand on depleting resources is never-ending and human beings quest to
achieve breakthroughs in technical advancements will never be final. People to satisfy their
wants and lead a more comfortable life relate the concept of consumerism to increased usage
of consumer goods. People easily adapt to disposable life-style as it leads to a cut down on
household chores. The market forces devise such things to sell comfort to people, which
attract people, the most. Soon people realize that comfort has become the necessity of life.
The Indian market trend and culture is fast adapting to the western society where packed
food material and other life supporting commodities are readily available in packed condition.
Market strategies set to work trying new tactics to get consumers buy more. People in turn
make consumption a way of their life, which leads to generation of solid Waste problems.
People consume and throwaway the refuge at an ever-growing rate.
Packed food resource consumption is, in itself a great problem to deal with. We get easy
food supply even in aeroplanes and trains in packed condition. Besides our daily life activities
related to consumption of flour, vegetable, milk, butter, marketing of household goods and
others all takes place through plastic bags, paper bags, tin cans and others. Plastic bags are
non-biodegradable. So when they are thrown away, they create havoc that is potentially
eternal. Municipal reports from Assam and Haryana speak of drains clogged by discarded
plastic bags, backflow in sewage pipes, and disease spreading through pond-like accumulation
of sewage, which also serves as sites of mosquito breeding.
Nations with high standard of living generate more of solid waste than developing
countries. This causes an ever-increasing burden of garbage, which in turn is related to their
disposal problems. Even land filling and other methods of disposal have their own limitations.
We need ample of land to bury, burn or dispose waste. Ash from incineration is also a major
problem because the ash contains lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic in various proportions
from batteries, lighting fixtures and pigments. The toxic substances are more concentrated
in the ash than in the original garbage and can lead to water pollution. Case studies shows
that even land beneath landfills get polluted and cause air pollution above the ground and
water pollution below the ground.
The most fundamental way to reduce waste is to prevent it from ever becoming waste.
Another way market operations reduce waste is by making consumer products in concentrated
form. Municipal composting is another source-reduction technique. On an individual level,
we can all attempt to reduce the amount of waste we generate. Every small personal
commitment from each of us could have the cumulative result of a significant magnitude in
reducing the solid waste production.
Residues and Wastes
As man engages in the activities associated with living, wastes are produces, these are
products, which have no apparent useful purpose, or they are of such marginal utility that
recovery is uneconomical. Such products include human, residential, agricultural, commercial
and industrial wastes of all kinds. The continuous removal and safe disposal of these wastes
is essential to the continued existence of any community. These wastes may be solid, liquid
or gaseous. Bodily discharges have historically been considered to be very hazardous to
mankind. Intestinal diseases are readily transmitted where water or food is contaminated
directed or indirectly by human wastes. Such wastes also provide a medium for fly breeding.
Food scraps and waste food constitute garbage. When combined with other household waste,
residential refuse is generated. The organic portion will attract and sustain flies and rats.
Where wastes are water-carried, pollution of water supplies may occur. Commercial and
industrial liquid wastes may contain particulate and chemical pollutants.
Many activities of man-driving an automobile, generating electric power, processing
chemicals and petroleum, manufacturing certain products, disposal of wastes - may result,
if uncontrolled, in the discharge of solid particles and gaseous pollutants to the atmosphere.
Excessive pollution of the air has been cited as a cause of disease and death. In summary,
these wastes, if improperly handled endanger man’s life support systems.
The Environment Protection Act, 1986
(No. 29 of 1986) An Act to provide for the protection and improvement of environment
and for matters connected therewith. Whereas decisions were taken at the United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment held at Stokholm in June 1972, in which India
participated, to take appropriate steps for the protection and improvement of human
Short Title, Extent and Commencement
1. This Act may be called the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
2. It extends to the whole of India.
3. It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different
provisions of this Act and for different areas.
The Act clearly states and explain each and every term very precisely like environment,
environmental pollutants, environmental pollution, handling, hazardous substance, occupier,
General Powers of the Central Government
Power of Central Government to take measures to protect and improve environment.
1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government shall have the power
to take all such measures, as it deems necessary or expedient for the purpose of
protecting and improving the quality of the environment.
2. Planning and execution of a nationwide programme for the prevention, control and
abatement of environmental pollution;
3. Laying down standards for the quality of environment in its various aspects;
4. Laying down standards for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from
various sources.
5. Restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or processes or class of
industries, operations or processes shall not be carried out or shall be carried out
subject to certain safeguards;
The UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), UNDP (United Nations
Development Programme) are some of the environment programmes, which are making
active efforts and are doing research in this field. Apart from them, Economic Commission
for Europe (ECE), the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Science
Foundation (ESF), The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), International Social
Science Council (lSSC), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), The Inter-governmental
Oceanographic Commission (IOC) - this a part of UNESCO, the Scientific Committee on
Ocean Research (SCOR) and many other such organizations. Apart from them there are
other scientific activities underway which are funded by different organizations such as the
World’ Weather Watch (WWW), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), World Climate
Programme (WCP), World Climate Impact Studies Programme (WCIP), Past Global Change
(PAGES), Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS), (Human Dimension of Global
Change (HDGC), Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS), Global’ Change and
Terrestrial Eco-System (GCTE).
The Earth’s atmosphere is being changed at an unprecedented rate by pollutants resulting
from human activities, inefficient and wasteful fossil fuel use and the effects of rapid
population growth in many regions. Global climate is changing because of the build up in
the atmosphere of carbon dioxide methane, nitrous oxide, the CFC’s (powerful greenhouse
gases as well as destroyers of stratospheric ozone), and other greenhouse gases produced by
fossil fuel burning, by deforestation and by producing food for the rapidly increasing population
at a global level.
Wasteland Reclamation
What is land degradation? Land degradation refers to the physical or chemical processes,
which make land, unfit for a variety of purposes like agriculture, commercial, residential
etc. Why land becomes degraded? Geological processes and anthropogenic activities are
chiefly responsible for land degradation. Can degraded land be reclaimed or rejuvenated? To
answer this grave question we have Central Arid Zone Research Area (CAZRA) at Jodhpur
concerned with the conservation of land.
During recent years increase in human activity has led to the degradation of habitat
including cultivated land forests. Mangroves etc. About 50% of the land throughout the
planet is arid with problem of acidity and salinity. Restoration of these areas is a matter
of concern for developed as well as developing countries. However, in sites method are
relatively in efficient. With the advent of biotechnology however a number of opportunities
for ‘recovery of degraded land have arisen through manipulation of biological systems.
Land, which does not give enough economic return or is otherwise useless, can broadly
be termed as wasteland. National Wasteland Development Board (NWDB) in the ministry
or Environment and Forest have defined wasteland as that land which is degraded and is
presently lying unutilized. Further it has classified it into two categories as i) Culturally
wasteland and ii) Non-cultural wasteland. Characteristics features of wasteland can be
summarized as under:
• The land becomes ecologically unstable and unproductive.
• Land that has nearly or completely lost its topsoil.
• Land that has developed toxicity in the zone of roots for the growth of most plants.
Land Reclamation
It is a process of making an uncultivable land fit for cultivation which is then said to
have been reclaimed. Generally it is carried out either by temporary or permanent control.
Temporary Control Includes
1. Ploughing of salt-’surface crust deeply into the soil.
2. Removing surface accumulation from the soil.
3. Neutralizing the effects of certain salts by use of other salts or acids.
Permanent Control Includes
1. Adequate lowering of water table.
2. Satisfactory water infiltration.
3. Leaching excess salts out of the soil.
4. Intelligent management of soil.
Physical Improvements Involves
1. Applying enough water.
2. Keeping drains open and in good repair.
3. Preventing excessive evaporation.
A few biotechnological methods are described below: .
(i) Reforestation — through micro propagation
(ii) Improvement in soil — by mycorrhize
(iii)Improvement of soil — through N2 fixation
(iv) Development of stress tolerant plant through biotechnology manipulation.
(v) Toxic site reclamation through selective engineer microbes.
Reforestations (Micro Propagation)
Ex situ conservation activities have been carried out through establishment of gene
banks. They have become particularly important for the conservation of crop varieties or
Improvement of crops and & a forestation programmes. The UNEP has advocated for in-situ
and ex-situ conservation efforts. However, funds for ex-situ conservation have been enhanced
recently. A special emphasis has been given to a forestation since forest is a good source of
food, fodder, fiber and pulp. Moreover they help in maintaining climatic stability and
biodiversity. It has been shown that degraded lands can be effectively used and restored by
planting forests. Using trees of wide adaptability and productivity for this purpose clonal
propagation method have been prescribed rather than using seeds of uncertain genetic
quality. Clonal micro propagation can be achieved through techniques of tissue culture.
It has been estimated that multiplication state of 100-200 per year is technically possible
for many species towards this objective genotypes capable of growing well on degraded land
have been selected for mass propagation/multiplication.
The clonal multiplication involves 4 steps.
1. Maintaining an aseptic culture.
2. Shoot multiplication using apical meristem or buds.
3. Rooting of in vitro forms shoots.
4. Acclimatization and transfer of micro propagated plantlets to the field.
According to an estimate in 1990 500 million plants of diverse nature were produced
through micro propagation in 60 countries. In New Zealand large number of micro propagation
plantlets – Pine trees (Pinus radiata) are been used and it is estimated that 2 million
plantlets were in the field in the year 1992.
Stress Tolerant Plant
A large number of biotic factors can create stress to the plant as well as animals. The
survival of plant under such stress conditions like deserts marshland saline acidic and
alkaline condition can be manipulated by suitable strategies. Efforts are under-way for
development of plant resistance to such conditions using biotech methods. Cell lines exhibiting
resistance or tolerance to salt stress have been selected in a large number of plant species
and can be used to reclaim degraded land suffering from salinity.
These are as follows:
Brassica sp. Capsicum annum
Cieer arietinum Citrus aurantium
C. sinensis Dacus carota
Nicotiana tobaccum Oryzae sativa
Triticum aeslivium Sapiendus trifoliala
There are several species of trees that exhibit moderate resistance to salinity that can
be used for reclamation of saline soils. These are Prosobis, Spicigera, Beautea monosperma,
Terminalia ballacca. Efforts are being made to understand the basis of salt tolerance and
isolate the gene responsible for this attribute so that salt tolerant plant can be developed
through genetic engineering. Attempts have been made to develop acidic resistant crops.
Man made synthetic crop ‘triticale’ has been found to be suitable in acidic soils, in countries
like: Poland, Kenya. & Mexico, on dry and sandy soils e.g. Brazil, on alkaline and calcareous
soils e.g. Spain, USA, on mineral, deficient & high boron soils.
Methods For Reclaiming Land
1. Reclamation & management of saline and alkaline soils can be done through:
Alkali soils usually contain excessive amounts of sodium and therefore have a poor
physical condition. To be reclaimed these soils must be changed chemically and improved
physically. The chemical changes consist of exchanging calcium for sodium and thus leaching
away the Na salts. Application of PO4 fertilizers is usually recommendable for low phosphorous
containing soils.
2. Reclamation of waterlogged land:
Agricultural land is said to be water logged when its fertility is affected by the height
of water table, due to flooding of root zone of plants, ill-aeration results. They can be made
productive by providing efficient surface drainage and sub-surface drainage:
1. Pipe/tile drains
2. Deep open trenches
3. Reclamation of soils damaged by sea water:
Areas near seacoasts suffer occasional flooding by seawater. In such cases soils
have reclaimed by pumping out the excess salts, water & drainage e.g. Netherlands.
4. Reclamation of mined wasteland:
Mining and its allied works have ravaged the land surface. To reclaim such ravaged
lands species selected should be able to quickly grow and effectively stabilize and improve
the soil. Mixture of grasses rather than woody perennials is preferred.
Reclamation Work In India
In India reclamation of limestone & rock phosphate mines in Dehradun and Mussourie
has been successfully accomplished with the help of Pinus, Ledrus, Acacia sp. The story of
degeneration and regeneration of Jhabua-poor tribal districts of Madhya Pradesh bordering
Gujarat is also satisfactory. It was reclaimed with watershed development in mid 1990' s
under the Rajiv Gandhi Mission. In 1993, the intervention of a NGO, the Samaj Pragati
Sahyog in Neemkheda, a remote Village in Dewas district of M.P. took a number of watershed
development activities. An area of nearly 300 m2 has been reclaimed in Baiera Village
(Kangra, H.P.) by an old co-operative farming society (1965-66).
All these instances show that the regeneration of the environment is possible with
political will, competent and committed bureaucratic support, people’s participation &
enforcement of stringent laws.
Consumerism and Waste Products
Increase in demand on depleting resources is never-ending and human beings quest to
achieve breakthroughs in technical advancements will never be final. People to satisfy their
wants and lead a more comfortable life relate the concept of consumerism to increased usage
of consumer goods. People easily adapt to disposable life-style as it leads to a cut down on
household chores. The market forces devise such things to sell comfort to people, which
attract people, the most. Soon people realize that comfort has become the necessity of life.
The Indian market trend and culture is fast adapting to the western society where packed
food material and other life supporting commodities are readily available in packed condition.
Market strategies set to work trying new tactics to get consumers buy more. People in turn
make consumption a way of their life, which leads to generation of solid Waste problems.
People consume and throwaway the refuge at an ever-growing rate.
Packed food resource consumption is, in itself a great problem to deal with. We get easy
food supply even in aeroplanes and trains in packed condition. Besides our daily life activities
related to consumption of flour, vegetable, milk, butter, marketing of household goods and
others all takes place through plastic bags, paper bags, tin cans and others. Plastic bags are
non-biodegradable. So when they are thrown away, they create havoc that is potentially
eternal. Municipal reports from Assam and Haryana speak of drains clogged by discarded
plastic bags, backflow in sewage pipes, and disease spreading through pond-like accumulation
of sewage, which also serves as sites of mosquito breeding.
Nations with high standard of living generate more of solid waste than developing
countries. This causes an ever-increasing burden of garbage, which in turn is related to their
disposal problems. Even land filling and other methods of disposal have their own limitations.
We need ample of land to bury, burn or dispose waste. Ash from incineration is also a major
problem because the ash contains lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic in various proportions
from batteries, lighting fixtures and pigments. The toxic substances are more concentrated
in the ash than in the original garbage and can lead to water pollution. Case studies shows
that even land beneath landfills get polluted and cause air pollution above the ground and
water pollution below the ground.
The most fundamental way to reduce waste is to prevent it from ever becoming waste.
Another way market operations reduce waste is by making consumer products in concentrated
form. Municipal composting is another source-reduction technique. On an individual level,
we can all attempt to reduce the amount of waste we generate. Every small personal
commitment from each of us could have the cumulative result of a significant magnitude in
reducing the solid waste production.
Residues and Wastes
As man engages in the activities associated with living, wastes are produces, these are
products, which have no apparent useful purpose, or they are of such marginal utility that
recovery is uneconomical. Such products include human, residential, agricultural, commercial
and industrial wastes of all kinds. The continuous removal and safe disposal of these wastes
is essential to the continued existence of any community. These wastes may be solid, liquid
or gaseous. Bodily discharges have historically been considered to be very hazardous to
mankind. Intestinal diseases are readily transmitted where water or food is contaminated
directed or indirectly by human wastes. Such wastes also provide a medium for fly breeding.
Food scraps and waste food constitute garbage. When combined with other household waste,
residential refuse is generated. The organic portion will attract and sustain flies and rats.
Where wastes are water-carried, pollution of water supplies may occur. Commercial and
industrial liquid wastes may contain particulate and chemical pollutants.
Many activities of man-driving an automobile, generating electric power, processing
chemicals and petroleum, manufacturing certain products, disposal of wastes - may result,
if uncontrolled, in the discharge of solid particles and gaseous pollutants to the atmosphere.
Excessive pollution of the air has been cited as a cause of disease and death. In summary,
these wastes, if improperly handled endanger man’s life support systems.
The Environment Protection Act, 1986
(No. 29 of 1986) An Act to provide for the protection and improvement of environment
and for matters connected therewith. Whereas decisions were taken at the United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment held at Stokholm in June 1972, in which India
participated, to take appropriate steps for the protection and improvement of human
Short Title, Extent and Commencement
1. This Act may be called the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
2. It extends to the whole of India.
3. It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different
provisions of this Act and for different areas.
The Act clearly states and explain each and every term very precisely like environment,
environmental pollutants, environmental pollution, handling, hazardous substance, occupier,
General Powers of the Central Government
Power of Central Government to take measures to protect and improve environment.
1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government shall have the power
to take all such measures, as it deems necessary or expedient for the purpose of
protecting and improving the quality of the environment.
2. Planning and execution of a nationwide programme for the prevention, control and
abatement of environmental pollution;
3. Laying down standards for the quality of environment in its various aspects;
4. Laying down standards for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from
various sources.
5. Restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or processes or class of
industries, operations or processes shall not be carried out or shall be carried out
subject to certain safeguards;