c. 9000 : The development of agriculture.
c. 3500 : A number of small cities, centres of the
world’s first civilisation, appeared
in Sumer, the lower part of the TigrisEuphrates Valley (present Iraq).
c. 3500 : The Sumerians invented the first form of
writing. It was later simplified to produce
wedge-shaped cuneiform writing, which
spread throughout the Middle East.
c. 2500 : The Pyramids and Great Sphinx were built
in Giza, Egypt.
c. 2500 : The Indus Valley civilisation began to
flourish in the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and
Harappa in what is now Pakistan.
c. 2500 : The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Epic of
Creation, the oldest epic poems in world
literature, were written in Mesopotamia.
c. 2500-1100: The Minoan civilisation on the island
of Crete rose and fell.
2300s : Sargon of Akkad conquered the Sumerians
and united all Mesopotamia under his rule,
creating the world’s first empire.
c. 1792-1750 : Babylonia flourished under King
c. 1700 : Code of Hammurabi, one of the first law
codes, was drawn up.
c.1500-1000:The Aryans of central Asia came to India.
c. 1400 : The making of iron began.
776 : The first recorded Olympic Games were
held in Greece.
c. 550 : Cyrus the Great established the Persian
509 : The people of Rome revolted against their
Etruscan rulers and established a republic.
500 : The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were
400 : Hippocrates, the father of Medicine
showed that diseases have natural
399 : Socrates was forced to commit suicide by
drinking hemlock, a poison.
44 : Julius Caesar of Rome was assassinated.
27 : Augustus became the first Roman emperor.
4 : Birth of Jesus Christ.
1 : The Chinese invented paper.
250 : The Mayans developed an advanced civilization in Central America and Mexico.
313 : Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which
granted freedom of worship to Christians of
the Roman Empire.
395 : The Roman Empire split into the East Roman, or Byzantine Empire and the West
Roman Empire.
300 : The Ghana Empire, the first great black
empire in Western Africa, existed as a trading state.
570 : Birth of Prophet Muhammad, the founder
of Islam.
610 : Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, began
622 : Muhammad, prophet of Islam, fled from
Mecca to Medina. His flight, called the
Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic
750 : The Abbasids became the Caliphs of
the Islamic world.
800 : Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, ruler
of the Franks, emperor of the Romans.
c. 9000 : The development of agriculture.
c. 3500 : A number of small cities, centres of the
world’s first civilisation, appeared
in Sumer, the lower part of the TigrisEuphrates Valley (present Iraq).
c. 3500 : The Sumerians invented the first form of
writing. It was later simplified to produce
wedge-shaped cuneiform writing, which
spread throughout the Middle East.
c. 2500 : The Pyramids and Great Sphinx were built
in Giza, Egypt.
c. 2500 : The Indus Valley civilisation began to
flourish in the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and
Harappa in what is now Pakistan.
c. 2500 : The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Epic of
Creation, the oldest epic poems in world
literature, were written in Mesopotamia.
c. 2500-1100: The Minoan civilisation on the island
of Crete rose and fell.
2300s : Sargon of Akkad conquered the Sumerians
and united all Mesopotamia under his rule,
creating the world’s first empire.
c. 1792-1750 : Babylonia flourished under King
c. 1700 : Code of Hammurabi, one of the first law
codes, was drawn up.
c.1500-1000:The Aryans of central Asia came to India.
c. 1400 : The making of iron began.
776 : The first recorded Olympic Games were
held in Greece.
c. 550 : Cyrus the Great established the Persian
509 : The people of Rome revolted against their
Etruscan rulers and established a republic.
500 : The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were
400 : Hippocrates, the father of Medicine
showed that diseases have natural
399 : Socrates was forced to commit suicide by
drinking hemlock, a poison.
44 : Julius Caesar of Rome was assassinated.
27 : Augustus became the first Roman emperor.
4 : Birth of Jesus Christ.
1 : The Chinese invented paper.
250 : The Mayans developed an advanced civilization in Central America and Mexico.
313 : Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which
granted freedom of worship to Christians of
the Roman Empire.
395 : The Roman Empire split into the East Roman, or Byzantine Empire and the West
Roman Empire.
300 : The Ghana Empire, the first great black
empire in Western Africa, existed as a trading state.
570 : Birth of Prophet Muhammad, the founder
of Islam.
610 : Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, began
622 : Muhammad, prophet of Islam, fled from
Mecca to Medina. His flight, called the
Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic
750 : The Abbasids became the Caliphs of
the Islamic world.
800 : Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, ruler
of the Franks, emperor of the Romans.
988 : Vladimir I converted the Russians to
1054 : Rivalries between the church in Rome and
the church in Constantinople resulted in
their separation as the Roman Catholic
Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches,
1110 : The Chinese invented the magnetic compass.
1279 : The Mongols gained control of all China.
1300s : The Renaissance began in Italy.
1400-1450s : The first book printed in Europe with
movable type appeared in the mid-1400s.
1453 : The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople (Istanbul) and overthrew the Byzantine Empire.
1492 : Columbus discovered America.
1498 : Vasco da Gama discovered sea route to
1500s : The Reformation led to the birth of
1519-1521: Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first
globe-circling voyage, completed in 1522
after his death.
1526 : Babar, a Muslim prince, invaded India and
founded the Mughal Empire.
1543 : Nicolas Copernicus proposed that the sun
was the centre of the universe.
1588 : The Royal Navy of England defeated the
Spanish Armada, establishing England as
a great naval power.
1776 : The 13 American colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, establishing the
United States of America.
1789 : The French Revolution began.
1815 : Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the
Battle of Waterloo, ending his attempt to rule
1858 : Great Britain took over the rule of India
from the East India Company after the Indian Revolt.
1869 : The Suez Canal opened.
1871 : Germany became united under the Prussian king, who ruled the new empire as
Kaiser Wilhelm I.
1901 : Trans-Siberian Railway opened. Marconi
sends first wireless message. Sweden
awards first Nobel Prizes.
1902 : First Siamese twins Barnam and Bailey circus twins separated. Thomas Alva Edison
invents a new electrical storage battery. London School of Economics and Political Science opened. ‘Cedric’, the world largest ship
(21,000 tons) built. First Trans-Atlantic telegraph message sent.
1903 : Marie Curie becomes the first woman to
win a Nobel Prize (Physics). Wilber and
Orville Wright fly their ‘Flyer’ at Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina.
1904 : Henry Royce produces first motor car, a
10hp 2-cylinder model.
1905 : Frenchman Alfred Binet invents intelligence tests. Albert Einstein says time and
speed are relative. Norwegian explorer
Roald Amundsen lands at Alaska and
finds magnetic pole.
1906 : “HMS Dreadnought”, world’s most powerful ship, built. SOS (Save our Souls)
adopted as international distress signal. First
submarine, UI, enters service.
1907 : Finland becomes the first to elect women
as MPs. Robert Baden Powell forms Boy
Scout Movement. Establishment of
Kuomintang by Sun Yat-sen. World’s first
working helicopter made.
1908 : Solid helium developed by Dutch scientists. Professor Albert Einstein presents
1054 : Rivalries between the church in Rome and
the church in Constantinople resulted in
their separation as the Roman Catholic
Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches,
1110 : The Chinese invented the magnetic compass.
1279 : The Mongols gained control of all China.
1300s : The Renaissance began in Italy.
1400-1450s : The first book printed in Europe with
movable type appeared in the mid-1400s.
1453 : The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople (Istanbul) and overthrew the Byzantine Empire.
1492 : Columbus discovered America.
1498 : Vasco da Gama discovered sea route to
1500s : The Reformation led to the birth of
1519-1521: Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first
globe-circling voyage, completed in 1522
after his death.
1526 : Babar, a Muslim prince, invaded India and
founded the Mughal Empire.
1543 : Nicolas Copernicus proposed that the sun
was the centre of the universe.
1588 : The Royal Navy of England defeated the
Spanish Armada, establishing England as
a great naval power.
1776 : The 13 American colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, establishing the
United States of America.
1789 : The French Revolution began.
1815 : Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the
Battle of Waterloo, ending his attempt to rule
1858 : Great Britain took over the rule of India
from the East India Company after the Indian Revolt.
1869 : The Suez Canal opened.
1871 : Germany became united under the Prussian king, who ruled the new empire as
Kaiser Wilhelm I.
1901 : Trans-Siberian Railway opened. Marconi
sends first wireless message. Sweden
awards first Nobel Prizes.
1902 : First Siamese twins Barnam and Bailey circus twins separated. Thomas Alva Edison
invents a new electrical storage battery. London School of Economics and Political Science opened. ‘Cedric’, the world largest ship
(21,000 tons) built. First Trans-Atlantic telegraph message sent.
1903 : Marie Curie becomes the first woman to
win a Nobel Prize (Physics). Wilber and
Orville Wright fly their ‘Flyer’ at Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina.
1904 : Henry Royce produces first motor car, a
10hp 2-cylinder model.
1905 : Frenchman Alfred Binet invents intelligence tests. Albert Einstein says time and
speed are relative. Norwegian explorer
Roald Amundsen lands at Alaska and
finds magnetic pole.
1906 : “HMS Dreadnought”, world’s most powerful ship, built. SOS (Save our Souls)
adopted as international distress signal. First
submarine, UI, enters service.
1907 : Finland becomes the first to elect women
as MPs. Robert Baden Powell forms Boy
Scout Movement. Establishment of
Kuomintang by Sun Yat-sen. World’s first
working helicopter made.
1908 : Solid helium developed by Dutch scientists. Professor Albert Einstein presents
his ‘Quantum’ theory of light. Jack
Jackson (USA) is the first Negro to become world heavyweight champion.
1909 : London’s new direct 7,000 mile telegraphic
link with India opened. Colour films are
screened in public for the first time in
Brighton. North Pole conquered by US
Commander Robert E. Peary.
1910 : First pure sample of radium isolated by
Marie Curie. Death of Leo Tolstoy.
1911 : First wireless messages from the air. King
George V crowned “King of the United
Kingdom and Emperor of India”. World’s
first official airmail flight between Bamrauli
and Naini (India). Beginning of the the
Chinese Revolution that ended 1000
years of imperial rule. Sun Yat-sen becomes the first president of the Chinese
Republic. Second Nobel Prize awarded to
Marie Curie. Ronald Amundsen reaches
South Pole.
1912 : Titanic, world’s biggest ship sinks in
North Atlantic.
1913 : Grand Central Station, New York, world’s
largest railway station, opened. Neil Bohr’s quantum theory of the structure of
atoms published. Thomas Edison invents
a telephone recorder. Noguchi isolates the
virus of rabies.
1914 : Cancer treated with radium successful.
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife
shot and killed in Sarajevo by a student,
Garvilo Princip. It served as a catalyst for
World War I.
1917 : Russian Revolution. Russia became a republic. Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.
1918 : US President Wilson enumerates his 14
points. Moscow is made the new capital
of Russia. Bolsheviks become the Russian
Communist Party. Tzar Nicholas II and his
family massacred.
1919 : Atoms ‘split’ by artificial means for the first
time by Professor Ernest Rutherford. First
nonstop flight across the Atlantic by
Alcock and Brown. Treaty of Versailles
signed. First World War ends. Germany declared a republic (Weimar).
1920 : League of Nations inaugurated. The International Court of Justice set up at Hague.
1921 : First BCG vaccine given in France.
1922 : Arms conference in Washington agrees
to outlaw the use of gas in warfare. BBC
formed. Free state of Ireland created.
1923 : Turkey declared a Republic.
1924 : Bacillus causing rabies isolated by the Pasteur Institute, Paris. Edwin Hubble discovers the unknown boundaries of the Milky
1925 : John Logie Baird perfects television.
1926 : Abdul Aziz ibn Saud proclaimed King of the
Hejaz who named his country Saudi Arabia.
1927 : The Jazz Singer, the first talkie, made. First
solo non-stop flight between New York
and Paris made by Charles Lindbergh.
1928 : Germ killing mould discovered by Alexander Fleming, London. Stalin’s First Five
Year Plan.
1929 : Wall Street crash, the biggest financial
crisis of the century.
1930 : Pluto, the 9th planet, discovered by
Claude Tombaugh. First modern computer designed by Vannevar Bush and his
1931 : Thomas Alva Edison dies.
1932 : Chadvick discovers the neutron.
1933 : Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader, becomes Chancel-
Jackson (USA) is the first Negro to become world heavyweight champion.
1909 : London’s new direct 7,000 mile telegraphic
link with India opened. Colour films are
screened in public for the first time in
Brighton. North Pole conquered by US
Commander Robert E. Peary.
1910 : First pure sample of radium isolated by
Marie Curie. Death of Leo Tolstoy.
1911 : First wireless messages from the air. King
George V crowned “King of the United
Kingdom and Emperor of India”. World’s
first official airmail flight between Bamrauli
and Naini (India). Beginning of the the
Chinese Revolution that ended 1000
years of imperial rule. Sun Yat-sen becomes the first president of the Chinese
Republic. Second Nobel Prize awarded to
Marie Curie. Ronald Amundsen reaches
South Pole.
1912 : Titanic, world’s biggest ship sinks in
North Atlantic.
1913 : Grand Central Station, New York, world’s
largest railway station, opened. Neil Bohr’s quantum theory of the structure of
atoms published. Thomas Edison invents
a telephone recorder. Noguchi isolates the
virus of rabies.
1914 : Cancer treated with radium successful.
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife
shot and killed in Sarajevo by a student,
Garvilo Princip. It served as a catalyst for
World War I.
1917 : Russian Revolution. Russia became a republic. Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.
1918 : US President Wilson enumerates his 14
points. Moscow is made the new capital
of Russia. Bolsheviks become the Russian
Communist Party. Tzar Nicholas II and his
family massacred.
1919 : Atoms ‘split’ by artificial means for the first
time by Professor Ernest Rutherford. First
nonstop flight across the Atlantic by
Alcock and Brown. Treaty of Versailles
signed. First World War ends. Germany declared a republic (Weimar).
1920 : League of Nations inaugurated. The International Court of Justice set up at Hague.
1921 : First BCG vaccine given in France.
1922 : Arms conference in Washington agrees
to outlaw the use of gas in warfare. BBC
formed. Free state of Ireland created.
1923 : Turkey declared a Republic.
1924 : Bacillus causing rabies isolated by the Pasteur Institute, Paris. Edwin Hubble discovers the unknown boundaries of the Milky
1925 : John Logie Baird perfects television.
1926 : Abdul Aziz ibn Saud proclaimed King of the
Hejaz who named his country Saudi Arabia.
1927 : The Jazz Singer, the first talkie, made. First
solo non-stop flight between New York
and Paris made by Charles Lindbergh.
1928 : Germ killing mould discovered by Alexander Fleming, London. Stalin’s First Five
Year Plan.
1929 : Wall Street crash, the biggest financial
crisis of the century.
1930 : Pluto, the 9th planet, discovered by
Claude Tombaugh. First modern computer designed by Vannevar Bush and his
1931 : Thomas Alva Edison dies.
1932 : Chadvick discovers the neutron.
1933 : Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader, becomes Chancel-
lor of Germany.
1936 : Spanish Civil War begins. Germany’s
“People’s Car” – Volkswagen – launched.
1938 : Walt Disney’s first feature-length cartoon,
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
1939 : Spanish Civil War comes to an end. Pact of
Steel between Italy and Germany. World
War II begins.
1941 : Birth of modern commercial television.
The Japanese attack Pearl Harbour,
bringing USA into World War II.
1944 : DNA discovered. Bretton Woods Conference.
1945 : Mussolini killed by Italian partisans Hitler commits suicide. 50 nations sign the
World Security Charger to establish UN.
UN Charter signed by 50 countries.
Postdam Conference. Little Boy, a Uranium-235 fission bomb, dropped over
Japanese city Hiroshima, explodes, 570
mts. above ground, instantly killing over
70,000. A 22-kiloton plutonium 239 bomb,
Fat Man, dropped over Nagasaki, explodes 510 mts above ground, killing
40,000 immediately. The International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank are
1946 : Paris Peace Conference.
1947 : IMF begins operations.
1948 : GATT enters into force. New state of Israel proclaimed.
1952 : King George VI of UK dies and Elizabeth
II becomes Queen. Artificial heart used
for the first time in USA. A non-violent
campaign against apartheid begins in
South Africa.
1953 : China’s five-year plan begins. Hammarskjöld
sworn in as UN Secretary- General. Mount
Everest conquered by Edmund Hillary and
Tensing Norway.
1956 : Non Alignment Movement founded.
1957 : Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap performs its
1,998th performance. Russia launches a
man-made satellite, Sputnik-1.
1958 : US enters space arena, launching Explorer-1.
1959 : Dalai Lama, fleeing from Tibet reaches India and finds sanctuary. Pictures of the dark
side of the moon sent back by Lunik III.
1960 : Sirimavo Bandaranaike sworn in as the
world’s first woman Prime Minister in Sri
Lanka. John F. Kennedy elected president
of USA– youngest man and first Roman
Catholic to be elected.
1961 : Inter-planetary space station launched by
USSR. Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin, becomes the first man to fly in space. Alan
Shephard Jr. becomes the first American
in Space. East Germans erect a five foot
wall (Berlin Wall). UN Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjöld killed in an aircrash.
1962 : John Glenn becomes the first American
to orbit Earth in ‘Mercury’.
1963 : Valentina Tereshkova (USSR) becomes
first woman in space. Martin Luther
King’s immortal “I have a dream speech”.
US President John F.Kennedy assassinated.
1965 : Singapore recedes from Malaysia to become an independent state.
1966 : Luna 9 of USSR makes the first soft lunar
1967 : Apollo I cabin bursts at the Kennedy
Space Centre launch pad killing three.
1968 : Martin Luther King assassinated.
1969 : Arafat head of PLO. Anglo-French supersonic airline Concorde introduced. Neil
Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the
first men to set foot on the moon.
1970 : Kingdom of Cambodia becomes the
Khmer Republic.
1936 : Spanish Civil War begins. Germany’s
“People’s Car” – Volkswagen – launched.
1938 : Walt Disney’s first feature-length cartoon,
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
1939 : Spanish Civil War comes to an end. Pact of
Steel between Italy and Germany. World
War II begins.
1941 : Birth of modern commercial television.
The Japanese attack Pearl Harbour,
bringing USA into World War II.
1944 : DNA discovered. Bretton Woods Conference.
1945 : Mussolini killed by Italian partisans Hitler commits suicide. 50 nations sign the
World Security Charger to establish UN.
UN Charter signed by 50 countries.
Postdam Conference. Little Boy, a Uranium-235 fission bomb, dropped over
Japanese city Hiroshima, explodes, 570
mts. above ground, instantly killing over
70,000. A 22-kiloton plutonium 239 bomb,
Fat Man, dropped over Nagasaki, explodes 510 mts above ground, killing
40,000 immediately. The International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank are
1946 : Paris Peace Conference.
1947 : IMF begins operations.
1948 : GATT enters into force. New state of Israel proclaimed.
1952 : King George VI of UK dies and Elizabeth
II becomes Queen. Artificial heart used
for the first time in USA. A non-violent
campaign against apartheid begins in
South Africa.
1953 : China’s five-year plan begins. Hammarskjöld
sworn in as UN Secretary- General. Mount
Everest conquered by Edmund Hillary and
Tensing Norway.
1956 : Non Alignment Movement founded.
1957 : Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap performs its
1,998th performance. Russia launches a
man-made satellite, Sputnik-1.
1958 : US enters space arena, launching Explorer-1.
1959 : Dalai Lama, fleeing from Tibet reaches India and finds sanctuary. Pictures of the dark
side of the moon sent back by Lunik III.
1960 : Sirimavo Bandaranaike sworn in as the
world’s first woman Prime Minister in Sri
Lanka. John F. Kennedy elected president
of USA– youngest man and first Roman
Catholic to be elected.
1961 : Inter-planetary space station launched by
USSR. Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin, becomes the first man to fly in space. Alan
Shephard Jr. becomes the first American
in Space. East Germans erect a five foot
wall (Berlin Wall). UN Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjöld killed in an aircrash.
1962 : John Glenn becomes the first American
to orbit Earth in ‘Mercury’.
1963 : Valentina Tereshkova (USSR) becomes
first woman in space. Martin Luther
King’s immortal “I have a dream speech”.
US President John F.Kennedy assassinated.
1965 : Singapore recedes from Malaysia to become an independent state.
1966 : Luna 9 of USSR makes the first soft lunar
1967 : Apollo I cabin bursts at the Kennedy
Space Centre launch pad killing three.
1968 : Martin Luther King assassinated.
1969 : Arafat head of PLO. Anglo-French supersonic airline Concorde introduced. Neil
Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the
first men to set foot on the moon.
1970 : Kingdom of Cambodia becomes the
Khmer Republic.
1971 : Vietnam War comes to an end (57,000Americans lost their lives). MujiburRehman declares Bangladesh independent. Marines-9 orbits Mars (first spacecraft to do so).1973 : Agreement ending Vietnam War signed.1974 : U.S President Nixon resigns following theWatergateScandal. Gerald Ford takes over.1975 : Japan’s Junko Tabei becomes first womento scale Everest. Army coup in Bangladesh. Mujibur Rehman killed.1977 : Coup in Pakistan; Bhutto deposed; Gen.Zia-ul-Haq takes over.1978 : Louise Brown, the first test tube baby, bornin UK.1979 : Z.A. Bhutto executed. Margaret Thatcherbecomes first woman Prime Ministerof Britain. SALT II agreement signed by JimmyCarter and the Soviet leaders.1981 : The reusable Space Shuttle Columbialaunched. TGV, world’s fastest train, makes
its inaugural run from Paris to Lyons.
1982 : Russia’s Venus-13 lands on Venus.
1984 : Dorjei conquers the Everest without oxygen.
1985 : The Rainbow Warrior, flagship of ecological
group Greenpeace, sinks after explosion in
1986 : US Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after takeoff, killing seven astronaut. Soviet
Union’s Mir Space Station launched.
Nuclear leak in Chernobyl power station.
Ann Bancroft becomes first woman to
reach North Pole.
1988 : Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Haq
killed in an air crash. India quells invasion of Maldives by sea-borne group.
George Bush elected President of USA.
1989 : Ranasinghe Premadasa becomes President of Sri Lanka. Students in Beijing demonstrate for democratic rights. Chinese
troops storm Tienanmen Square and
crush the pro-democracy campaign. Ayatollah Khomeini dies. Demolition of Berlin Wall. Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.
1990 : New Zealander, Richard Hadlee, becomes
the first cricketer to take 400 test wickets.
Nelson Mandela freed after 27 years in
prison. Iraq invades Kuwait. UN imposes
embargo on Iraq. Unification of Germany.
Formal end of Cold War.
1991 : Gulf War. Warsaw Pact disbanded. Kuwait fully liberated. Khaleeda Zia appointed first woman Prime Minister of
Bangladesh. Formal end to the Soviet
Union. Commonwealth of Independent
states formed.
1992 : Earth Summit in Rio.
1993 : Bill Clinton new US President. Netherlands
becomes the first country to sanction
mercy killings. Allan Border betters
Gavaskar’s record (10,122 runs). Sri Lankan
President Ranasinghe Premadasa assassinated. USA’s Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI) stopped. Maastricht Treaty on European Union comes into effect.
1994 : End of Apartheid in South Africa. The
comet Shoemaker Levy 9 smashes into Jupiter.
1995 : WTO comes into effect. Austria, Finland
and Sweden become new members of EU.
Kobe earthquake in Japan kills 4,700
its inaugural run from Paris to Lyons.
1982 : Russia’s Venus-13 lands on Venus.
1984 : Dorjei conquers the Everest without oxygen.
1985 : The Rainbow Warrior, flagship of ecological
group Greenpeace, sinks after explosion in
1986 : US Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after takeoff, killing seven astronaut. Soviet
Union’s Mir Space Station launched.
Nuclear leak in Chernobyl power station.
Ann Bancroft becomes first woman to
reach North Pole.
1988 : Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Haq
killed in an air crash. India quells invasion of Maldives by sea-borne group.
George Bush elected President of USA.
1989 : Ranasinghe Premadasa becomes President of Sri Lanka. Students in Beijing demonstrate for democratic rights. Chinese
troops storm Tienanmen Square and
crush the pro-democracy campaign. Ayatollah Khomeini dies. Demolition of Berlin Wall. Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.
1990 : New Zealander, Richard Hadlee, becomes
the first cricketer to take 400 test wickets.
Nelson Mandela freed after 27 years in
prison. Iraq invades Kuwait. UN imposes
embargo on Iraq. Unification of Germany.
Formal end of Cold War.
1991 : Gulf War. Warsaw Pact disbanded. Kuwait fully liberated. Khaleeda Zia appointed first woman Prime Minister of
Bangladesh. Formal end to the Soviet
Union. Commonwealth of Independent
states formed.
1992 : Earth Summit in Rio.
1993 : Bill Clinton new US President. Netherlands
becomes the first country to sanction
mercy killings. Allan Border betters
Gavaskar’s record (10,122 runs). Sri Lankan
President Ranasinghe Premadasa assassinated. USA’s Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI) stopped. Maastricht Treaty on European Union comes into effect.
1994 : End of Apartheid in South Africa. The
comet Shoemaker Levy 9 smashes into Jupiter.
1995 : WTO comes into effect. Austria, Finland
and Sweden become new members of EU.
Kobe earthquake in Japan kills 4,700
DNA code of living organisms deciphered.
1996 : Gary Kasparov wins chess series against
IBM computer Deep Blue. Arafat becomes President of Palestinian Authority.
1997 : British scientists clone a sheep (Polly). Hale
Bopp comet comes closest to earth (200) Labour Party wins polls in Britain;
Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister. Chemical weapons convention takes effect. Britain hands back Hong Kong to China. Mars
Pathfinder sends pictures of Mars. Diana,
Princess of Wales killed in a car accident.
1996 : Gary Kasparov wins chess series against
IBM computer Deep Blue. Arafat becomes President of Palestinian Authority.
1997 : British scientists clone a sheep (Polly). Hale
Bopp comet comes closest to earth (200) Labour Party wins polls in Britain;
Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister. Chemical weapons convention takes effect. Britain hands back Hong Kong to China. Mars
Pathfinder sends pictures of Mars. Diana,
Princess of Wales killed in a car accident.
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