Computer Science topic

1109: Fundamental Programming Concepts
1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python
1112: Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB
1115: Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering Using Matlab Graphical User Interfaces
1130: Transition to Object-Oriented Programming
1132: Short Course in MATLAB
1133: Short Course in Python
1300: Introductory Design and Programming for the Web
1305: Computation and Culture in a Digital Age
1380: Data Science for All
1610: Computing in the Arts
1620: Visual Imaging in the Electronic Age
1710: Introduction to Cognitive Science
1810: Topics in the Analysis and Transmission of Knowledge and Information
1998: Freshmen and Nontechnical Team Projects
2024: C++ Programming
2043: UNIX Tools and Scripting
2049: Intermediate iPhone Development
2110: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
2111: Programming Practicum
2112: Object-Oriented Design and Data Structures 
2300: Intermediate Design and Programming for the Web
2770: Excursions in Computational Sustainability
2800: Discrete Structures
2802: Discrete Structures - Honors
2850: Networks
3110: Data Structures and Functional Programming
3152: Introduction to Computer Game Architecture
3220: Computational Mathematics for Computer Science
3300: Data-Driven Web Applications
3410: Computer System Organization and Programming
3420: Embedded Systems
3758: Autonomous Mobile Robots
4090: Teaching Experience in Computer Science
4110: Programming Languages and Logics
4120: Introduction to Compilers
4121: Practicum in Compilers
4152: Advanced Topics in Computer Game Architecture
4154: Analytics-driven Game Design
4160: Formal Verification
4210: Numerical Analysis and Differential Equation
4220: Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems
4300: Language and Information
4320: Introduction to Database Systems
4321: Practicum in Database Systems
4410: Operating Systems
4411: Practicum in Operating Systems
4420: Computer Architecture
4450: Introduction to Computer Networks
4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics
4621: Computer Graphics Practicum
4654: Virtual Reality Design
4670: Introduction to Computer Vision
4700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
4701: Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
4732: Social and Ethical Issues in AI
4740: Natural Language Processing
4744: Computational Linguistics
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4750: Foundations of Robotics
4752: Robotic Manipulation
4754: Human Robot Interaction - Research and Design
4758: Robot Learning
4775: Computational Genetics and Genomics
4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems
4786: Machine Learning for Data Science
4787: Principles of Large-Scale Machine Learning Systems
4810: Introduction to Theory of Computing
4812: Quantum Information Processing
4814: Introduction to Computational Complexity
4820: Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
4830: Introduction to Cryptography
4850: Mathematical Foundations for the Information Age
4852: Networks II: Market Design
4860: Applied Logic
4997: Practical Training in Computer Science
4998: Team Projects
4999: Independent Reading and Research
5094: Introduction to Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and Smart Contracts
5110: Programming Languages and Logics
5112: Algorithms and Data Structures for Applications
5114: Network Programming Languages
5120: Introduction to Compilers
5121: Practicum in Compilers
5150: Software Engineering
5152: Open-Source Software Engineering
5199: Competition Programming and Problem Solving
5220: Applications of Parallel Computers
5223: Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems
5300: The Architecture of Large - Scale Information Systems
5304: Data Science in the Wild
5306: Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
5320: Introduction to Database Systems
5321: Practicum in Database Systems
5412: Cloud Computing
5413: High Performance Systems and Networking
5414: Distributed Computing Principles
5420: Advanced Computer Architecture
5424: Developing and Designing Interactive Devices
5430: System Security
5431: Practicum in System Security
5433: Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and Smart Contracts
5434: Defending Computer Networks
5435: Security and Privacy Concepts in the Wild
5436: Privacy in the Digital Age
5437: Principals and Practice of Cryptocurrencies
5439: Practicum in Computer Security
5450: Networked and Distributed Systems
5555: Health Tech, Data, and Systems
5620: Introduction to Computer Graphics
5621: Computer Graphics Practicum
5625: Interactive Computer Graphics
5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics
5650: Virtual and Augmented Reality
5660: Signal Processing
5670: Introduction to Computer Vision
5682: HCI and Design
5724: Evolutionary Computation
5726: Learning and Decision Making
5727: Optimization Methods
5740: Natural Language Processing
5750: Foundations of Robotics
5752: Robotic Manipulation
5780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems
5785: Applied Machine Learning
5786: Machine Learning for Data Science
5830: Cryptography
5831: Security Protocols and Privacy
5846: Decision Theory I
5854: Networks and Markets
5860: Introduction to Formal Methods
5998: Master of Engineering Internship
5999: Master of Engineering Project
6110: Advanced Programming Languages
6113: Language-Based Security
6114: Network Programming Languages
6115: Certified Software Systems
6117: Category Theory for Computer Scientists
6120: Compiler Design for High-Performance Architectures
6180: Introduction to Constructive Type Theory
6210: Matrix Computations
6220: Data-Sparse Matrix Computations
6241: Numerical Methods for Data Science
6320: Advanced Database Systems
6360: Educational Technology
6410: Advanced Systems
6411: Systems Principles
6431: Security and Privacy Technologies
6432: Distributed Consensus and Blockchains
6450: Advanced Computer Networking
6452: Datacenter Networks and Services
6453: Big Data Systems: Trends and Challenges
6465: Emerging Cloud Technologies and Systems Challenges
6466: Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts
6630: Realistic Image Synthesis
6644: Recognizing and Modeling the World
6650: Computational Motion
6670: Computer Vision
6700: Advanced Artificial Intelligence
6740: Advanced Language Technologies
6741: Structured Prediction for Natural Language Processing
6742: Natural Language Processing and Social Interaction
6751: Introduction to Robotic Mobile Manipulation
6756: Advanced Topics in Robot Learning: 3D Perception
6758: Robot Learning
6764: Reasoning about Knowledge
6766: Reasoning about Uncertainty
6772: Bayesian Machine Learning
6780: Advanced Machine Learning
6783: Machine Learning Theory
6784: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
6787: Advanced Machine Learning Systems
6788: Advanced Topic Modeling
6810: Theory of Computing
6815: Pseudorandomness and Combinatorial Constructions
6820: Analysis of Algorithms
6825: The Science Base for the Information Age
6830: Cryptography
6831: Designing Secure Cryptography
6832: Applied Cryptography
6850: The Structure of Information Networks
6860: Logics of Programs
6861: Introduction to Kleene Algebra
7090: Computer Science Colloquium
7190: Seminar in Programming Languages
7192: Seminar in Programming Refinement Logics
7194: Great Works in Programming Languages
7290: Seminar on Scientific Computing and Numerics
7390: Database Seminar
7490: Systems Research Seminar
7493: Computer Security Seminar
7594: Seminar on Computational Issues in Health and Medicine
7670: Special Topics in Computer Vision
7690: Computer Graphics Seminar
7790: Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
7792: Special Topics in Machine Learning
7794: Seminar in Natural Language Understanding
7796: Robotics Seminar
7890: Seminar in Theory of Algorithms and Computing
7893: Cryptography Seminar
7999: Independent Research
9999: Thesis Research
