9 Environmental Science Modern Methods part 4

Different Stages or Source Method
1. Primary Stage
According to Dr. Keatings original sources can be used for creating atmosphere in the
lower forms as such a use does not necessitate any great exposition. For example, reading
of Guru Gobind Singh’s Zafarnama will make the pupils realize the atmosphere lead to his
death. Reading of couplets of Bhakti movement will help them to realize the causes leading
to it.
2. Secondary Stage
Sources can be profitably used in the secondary stage to encourage pupils to collect,
examine and correlate the facts and to compare and rationalize different conflicting accounts
of characters. To begin with the exercise should be fairly simple.
Following points should be borne in mind to achieve satisfactory
1. The children themselves must read an original source carefully. The source book
is not available to all the pupils. Cyclostyled copies of the extracts should be pasted
on the blackboard to be copied by them.
2. Use of Library after the oral work by the teacher is over the pupils should go to
study the source books in the library
3. Now a separate time should be fixed when the teacher, along with his pupils, could
discuss the sources.
4. After the discussion is over, the teacher may give the assignment to the pupils. At
the initial stage it is better to give a little practice in giving well-considered answers.
The pupils should be asked to write their own impressions and inferences.
Use of Sources at Various Stages of the Lesson
1. At the pre-lesson stage sources can be used to motivate the pupils for a particular
lesson. For example, while dealing with the Ranaissance Movements in India and
highlighting its causes the teacher may quote Raja Ram Mohan Ray and Keshab
Chandra Sen. To prepare the pupils for the study of Bhakti Movement he may
recite a number of couplets of Bhakti saints.
2. Sources can be used for developing the lesson. For example, the teacher may quote
the following extracts from the accounts of Hieun Tsang while teaching about the
people of India during Harsha’s period.
3. Although they are naturally light-minded, yet they are upright and honorable.
They are not deceitful in their conduct and are faithful in their oaths and promises.
In their rules of government, there is remarkable rectitude.
4. Such extracts may create more appeal they may impart reality and vividness to the
lesson and reinforce the impact of teaching. As curiosity of the pupils is whetted
they are eager to learn more and more.
5. Sources can be used when the teacher finishes the lesson he may give to the
students interesting and useful extracts from the original or secondary sources.
The students may be asked to write answers to some questions on this basis.
Sources are particularly useful for the gifted students who can be encouraged to

pursue their interest in a particular topic make critical thinking, analysis and
prepare, an account of study.
Advantages of the Source Method
1.Creating a sense of vividness and reality
Use of sources in the teaching of Environmental Science gives a touch of realism to the
2. Satisfying the Curiosity of Children about the Question
Sources give the children an insight into the methods by which Environmental Science
have been built up. The sense of curiosity so important for a student of Environmental
Science can be particularly developed through this method.
3. Creating a Right Type of Atmosphere
The sources vitalize the subject and create a congenial and motivating atmosphere for
its study.
4. Mental Exercises
These include right thinking, and imagination, comparing and analyzing, drawing
inferences, self-expression and discussion.
5. Illustration and Supplementation
The original sources can be used to illustrate more important points in support of an
oral lesson or to supplement the one-sided picture of historical, political, economic and social
6. Initiation in Research
The method initiates the pupils in research, which can later prove useful.
7. Use at all Stages
Though most suitable .for the pupils of higher classes this method can be used by the
pupils of primary classes also with advantage.
8. Meaning
The study of Environmental Science through source method makes’ the subject more
concrete and meaningful.
Limitation of Source Method
1. It is not a possible way for the teacher of schools to have easy access to the original
2. Use of sources is not easy for the teachers who are not trained in their use.
3. Source method is too complex and technical. Its use is difficult at the junior stage
and at the senior stage also its frequent use is doubtful.
4. As the sources are available in many languages and scripts covering a period of
more than three thousand years, the teachers cannot be conversant with sources
in different scripts. This makes their use difficult.

5. There is also the difficulty of sifting the suitable evidences from a multiplicity of
sources for their use.
In the case of use of source method in Environmental Science, “The road traveled is
more important than the destination reached.” Use of the method for selected topics may
make the study of Environmental Science more real and interesting. The use of sources
should be well planned and purposeful, well directed and geared to the need of the subject
and to the specific skills and understandings it seeks to develop. Finally, there is no single
method of teaching Environmental Science under all topics’ and all situations. There are
many and varied methods, which may be used depending upon the ingenuity of the teacher,
available resources and receptivity of the pupils.
Socialized Recitation is an ideal classroom procedure, aiming at Eliminating of the
traditional formal and lifeless classroom atmosphere. Generally speaking, the wider the
participation of the pupils, the greater and quicker the learning on the part of the pupils.
Socialized Recitation meets this demand. It promotes better relationship among pupils and
between teacher and pupils along with a sense of freedom and spontaneity. Under this
method pupils achieve better, results with less strain upon their energy.
Objectives of socialized recitation
According to Harold Benjamin the following are the main objectives of Socialized
Recitation :
1. To develop techniques useful in-group work.
2. To stimulate reflective thinking.
3. To supplement previous knowledge.
4. To encourage creative expression.
5. To practice the techniques of co-operative thinking.
1. The chief evil was the old-time recitation of emphasis on teacher activity, to the
neglect of pupil activity. The subject matter occupied the most important place in
teaching. The main function of the teacher was the drilling of the facts into the
minds of the pupils. As no worthwhile attitudes or skills were developed the pupils
felt indifferent lifeless and dull under such a procedure. It was almost impossible
to motivate study under these conditions. Pupils regarded their lesson as a tedious
and tiresome task.
2. Many proposals were made against this passivity and listlessness in the classroom.
Shaken from the teacher emphasis was placed on the pupils who become the centre
of educational process. The old system of teaching was replaced by a new procedure
of socialized recitation, which brought about more pupil activity a liberation of
school control and a new era in the classroom, which made the pupil and his
activities more prominent than the teacher or the subject matter. The traditional
class was transformed into a socialized one not dominated by a few individuals but
belonging to all members of the class. In fact, Socialized Recitation is “Group

consciousness and the feeling of individual responsibility towards the group.” Group
discussions became very common. Various devices and aids of teaching supplemented
textbook. The pupil’s personality developed in a natural way under such conditions.
Incentive was provided for exercising initiative, originality and independent thinking.
Group thinking was developed. The classroom becomes a unit of dynamic group life
in an atmosphere of freedom and spontaneity.
3. Committee Meeting. Varying from a simple informal organization to a complex
parliamentary one informal Socialized Recitation may assume any form. It may be
a sort of committee meeting in which the members decide on an agenda freely
express their ideas willingly share their information and arrive at some definite
conclusions about a certain issue or problem.
4. It may be a form of socialized group discussion in which members of the group elect
their own chairman to guide the discussion.
5. It may have a president, a secretary and to the reflected officials to carry on the
discussion in a parliamentary procedure. However, no procedure can be used exactly
the same for all teachers as both teachers and classes have different characteristics.
A wise teacher should evaluate these forms and use them in building up a technique
of his own.
General Plan of socialized procedure. In a general plan of socialized procedure used
with success in many schools the lesson or topic is divided into four or five parts and the
classes also divided into four or five groups. Each group of students is assigned one part of
the lesson under its chosen student leader. Each group plans its own work and executes it
according to its own plan. The teacher approves planning though he does not dictate. Questions
are asked, comments are offered and discussions are held freely and frankly in groups. The
members of the group may discuss any point that is not clear to them. After the group has
completed the discussion, the leader offers additional information that he thinks essential.
Members of the groups place there, observations and conclusions before the whole class.
Then the teacher offers his own remarks if he feels that certain points have not been
touched upon by the pupils or if define conclusions have not been reached. The leadership
should be changed from lesson to lesson to provide equal opportunities to all pupils. This
creates confidence in even intellectually backward students.
Role of the teacher in Socialized Recitation
The success of socialized recitation depends upon the role of the teacher. He sets the
stage, gives the promptings as and when necessary and then sums up the conclusions or
generalizations, arrived at. Socialized Recitation succeeds due to the careful planning and
judicious guidance of the teacher who no longer dominates the scene but acts simply a
member of the group. He retains control of the class as a guide, a leader, an adviser and
a helper rather than a traditional master.
Limitation of Socialized Recitation
1. Proper attitudes skills and ideals. As important classroom procedures Socialized
Recitation develops proper attitudes, skills and ideals. As the aims of education-are
constantly changing today attitudes and ideals are emphasized more than mere
knowledge in Environmental Science in _which the development of right attitudes
is the major aim of teaching.

2. Socialization of the child. Socialized Recitation trains pupils for participation in a
social environment, which implies freedom in conversation, readiness to mix in
friendly groups and ability to work with others for a common cause. Under the
stimulus of group consciousness, the child develops a spirit of initiative, organization,
co-operation, courtesy and goodwill.
3. Training in leadership. Socialized recitation method imparts training in initiative
and leadership. In ordinary classroom procedure, training in these traits of character
is very much neglected. In Socialized Recitation, ample opportunities are provided
for pupil leadership and pupil planning. Each individual is given a chance to express
what he feels and thinks.
4. Spirit of co-operation. Socialized Recitation is possible only when pupils are cooperative with one another as well as with their teacher. This develops the spirit
of co-operation. In our present day complex society, the feeling of inter-dependence
and the spirit of willingness to sacrifice self for the group are needed more than
anything else. As Socialized Recitation contributes greatly to this ideal, it occupies’
an important place in our educational programmed.
5. Clear thinking. The pupil was not expected to think at all under the old system of
recitation. He was required to produce what was given in the textbook. In new
Socialized Recitation method only pupils are provided with opportunities to discuss
to criticize and to evaluate problem facing them. This creates clear thinking so
much needed today. In a newly born democracy sound judgment and constructive
criticism are not possible without clear thinking.
6. Self-expression. Socialized Recitation method provides ample opportunities to pupils
to express their thoughts in an atmosphere of freedom and spontaneity. If the
pupils are provided chances to express themselves” better understanding prevails
in the learning process. It develops the power of talking and expressing oneself.
7. Motivation. Socialized Recitation provides motivation. The pupil is engaged in a cooperative task with the list of the group. Each pupil begins to feel his responsibility.
In accomplishing the work at hand everyone tries to do his very best for the group.
This motivates learning essential in all teaching procedures. .
Delimitation of Socialized Recitation
1. Inadequate acquisition and mastery. The use of this method is not adequate for the
acquisition and mastery of subject matter. Much time is uselessly wasted in
Socialized Recitation procedure.
2. Wandering away from the subject. This method creates the tendency of the class to
wander away from the subject. By careful guidance the teacher must lead the class
to the point at issue through his tact and resourcefulness. He should be merely a
stage-setter and a passive spectator of the lesson.
3. Futile discussion. Socialized recitation may lead to futile discussion. Some students
argue things for the sake of argument. Others argue simply to prove their point,
though it has no direct connection with the lesson and topic in hand. Here the
teacher should be alert enough to prevent useless debates.

4. Domination by a few assertive pupils. Here while few pupils may dominate the
entire lesson such domination is not conducive to the values that should result
from the use of this method. It is the duty of the teacher to plan recitation in such
a way that a few students do not monopolize the lesson. The teacher must ensure
the socialization. Of all the pupils and not merely a few of them.
5. Exclusive use of socialized recitation. The exclusive use of this method at all times
is a dangerous move. There are times when it should not be used at all. Every
lesson should be more or less socialized in the sense that students are given chances
to actively participate in it. However, mere socialization cannot serve the purpose
in Environmental Science.
Suggestion to Make Socialized Recitation Effective
1. It should centre round a topic important from the pupil’s point of view and in which
pupils express interest.
2. The teacher should prepare how to handle possible conflicts and reduce tensions
and blocks in good human relations. The planning should be flexible enough to
permit adjustment as the socialized recitation proceeds.
3. A friendly atmosphere should prevail during the period of socialized recitation.
Each pupil should be made to feel that he has something significant to contribute
and that his ideas are valuable. The teacher should help pupils to understand that
one. May disagree without being unpleasant or destructive.
4. The teachers should have adequate control over the procedure. He should be able
to see that socialized recitation “keeps on the track” and the class moves from
discussion to decision’ and from decision to action. The degree of control to be
exercised by the teacher depends on maturity of the group, previous practice in
self-direction, interest and spirit of cooperation among pupils.
5. Socialized recitation should never be used to spread prejudice. Pupils should be
encouraged to substantiate their own personal opinions with accurate information
and typical thinking about the topic or issue. Each pupil should be given an
opportunity to clarify his point and to convince the groups of the wisdom of his own
insight to truth. Monopolized by a few students. The teacher must ensure the
socialization of all the pupils and not merely a few of them.
6. The exclusive use of this method at all times is a dangerous move. There are times
when it should not be used at all. Every lesson should be more or less socialized
in the sense that students are given chances to actively participate in it. However,
mere socialization cannot serve the purpose in Environmental Science.
Immediate surroundings and community afford many opportunities for supervision.
Concrete tangible, visible and describable data on cultural, industrial, political and geographic
facts and relationships prove invaluable for the teaching of Environmental Science.
Observation lends vitality to the subject matter of Environmental Science. Direct experiences
are more effective in the process of learning they are also retained for a longer period of
time. As rich, full-bodied purposeful experiences seen, handled, tasted, touched, felt and

smelled. They are the unabridged version of life itself. A trip to a monument, a fort, a
temple, an institution, provides its first-hand experiences, which are real. The children can
see them, ask questions about them and examine them. Such experiences are highly conducive
to learning.
Utilization of Supervised Study Method
Under the careful guidance of Environmental Science teacher’s supervision provides
the pupils ample opportunities for asking questions, gathering data and pooling information.
Visit to telephone exchanges, newspaper and telegraph offices clarify ideas about
communication. Study trips to airports and their transportation centre show how people and
goods are moved about. Production and consumption can be understood better when pupils
see the stores, the markets and factories of the community.
Techniques for Supervision Study
1. Field Trips
Field Trips are under taken for securing information, changing attitudes, awakening
interests, developing appreciation, promoting ideas and enjoying new experiences. Used to
initiate a unit Method of Teaching of study they may be a part of its core and they can give
it the final touch.
2. Community Surveys
Community surveys foster comprehensive understanding of community structure and
processes in their everyday operation, interaction and complexity. In stimulating depth of
insight into vital community problems and trends, which have been influenced by past
conditions, present developments and future prospects community surveys are very useful.
3. Community Service Projects
Community service Projects involve individual activity of an integrated, mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual nature. They are of genuine educational value to the pupil as well
as to the society.
There can be no difficulty in preparing a catalogue of the available resources for proper
and detailed study if the teacher is resourceful and the class is enthusiastic and clever. The
resources, which need to be observed by the pupils, vary from community to community.
There may be classified under various heads such as resources of geographical, historical,
cultural, economic and scientific interests.
Suggestion for Supervision Study
Supervision study is a most scientific and new teaching method adopted by the Indian
Education system. Under this method the subject teacher observed and supervised the
student to study. With the help of subject teacher students prepared their program and
completed their content.
This method cannot be successful with out the help of subject teacher but due to its
limitation it is not much successful in Indian education system.
Used with other methods and procedures such as supervised study Socialized Recitation
may be profitably used for review-work and for problem solving. The socialized recitation

procedure can use all the devices, projects, problems and activities available under other
It is not a solution to all classroom problems but only a procedure to be frequently used
by the teacher too much advantage. As teaching is not a mechanical process anyone method
can be recommended for all occasions. To summarise success in the use of Socialized Recitation
depends upon the class, the teacher and the aim of the lesson that teacher keeps before him.
1. Describe the various methods adopted for the teaching of environmental science in the
primary classes. Which is the best and why?
2. Describe the various methods. Which can be adopted for the teaching of environmental
science in the secondary classes? Which is the best and why?
3. Discuss the characteristics of the lecture method of teaching environmental science. Point
out its advantages and disadvantages.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of supervised method of teaching environmental
5. Socialized recitation method is one of the best methods of teaching environmental science.

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